Neuritis of the auditory nerve

Cochlear neuritis (auditory nerve) is an inflammatory disease in which the functions of hearing are disturbed. We list the symptoms of the disease, the methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of neuritis of the auditory nerve

First of all, there is a decrease in hearing - sensorineural hearing loss. This sign of the disease arises from the damage to the ear's nervous system. The deafness develops gradually and can lead to complete deafness, so it is important to start treating neuritis of the auditory nerve as soon as possible. So, at the first degree of the disease the patient hears the spoken speech not more than 6 meters, and the whisper speech - at a distance of 1-3 meters. The second stage is characterized by the audibility of speaking not more than 4 meters, whispered - 1 meter. The third degree of neuritis does not allow whispering at all, spoken language is heard within 1 meter. At the fourth stage of illness the patient does not hear speech, but distinguishes between sounds. Fifth, the last degree of neuritis is characterized by complete deafness.

In addition, in the first four stages of human disease, noise and ringing in the ears are constantly disturbed, severe pain is possible, if the ear injury is the cause of neuritis.

Sometimes there is nausea, impaired coordination and balance, dizziness, headache, general weakness. Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve is accompanied by high body temperature, coughing, runny nose, general malaise, increased blood pressure .

Causes of the disease

Before deciding how to cure the auditory nerve neuritis, it is necessary to establish precisely the factors that provoked the disease. These include:

Diagnosis of auditory nerve neuritis

The doctor-otolaryngologist can give an accurate diagnosis after a special procedure - audiometry. An external examination will not show the presence of the disease, since no pathological changes in the external ear during the neuritis of the auditory nerve do not occur.

Treatment of neuritis of the auditory nerve

After determining the causes of the disease, an individual treatment regimen is appointed, aimed at eliminating both the symptoms of the disease and the factors that provoked its development.

With infectious neuritis of the auditory nerve, such treatment is practiced:

During neuritis associated with craniocerebral trauma, anesthetics and decongestants are used, as well as drugs that restore blood circulation in the brain tissues.

When toxins of different nature are poisoned, the organism is detoxified, sorbents and observance of a diet rich in vegetables and sour-milk products. Effective physiotherapy in the form of mineral baths, mud treatment.

Neuritis of the auditory nerve due to the specifics of professional activity provides for constant monitoring by a doctor and the passage of developed treatment courses twice a year.

If the disease is caused by age problems, drugs are used to normalize blood pressure, cardiac muscle activity, circulation. It is necessary to take care of strengthening the vessels of the brain, regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood.