Puncture of knee joint

Sometimes it happens that the liquid accumulates in the knee joint. This phenomenon is called a synovitis of the knee joint . In this case, in accordance with medical protocols, it is necessary to do a puncture of the knee joint. This surgical procedure provides for the suction of the same fluid with a syringe and a special needle. This is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the edema or inflammation. Let us consider this procedure in more detail.

Indications for puncture of the knee joint

Indications for this operation are the desire to diagnose the true cause of edema or inflammation of the joint, remove fluid from the joint and introduce medications. In addition, the reason for the puncture may be the need to inject air or any substances into the joint to determine the extent of its damage.

Technique for performing a puncture of the knee joint

The technique of puncturing the knee joint involves several manipulations:

  1. As well as before any operation, the place where the surgical intervention will be performed should be thoroughly disinfected.
  2. An anesthetic is used in the form of injection or local freezing.
  3. The needle is inserted. In this case, there are four points through which you can perform puncture of the knee joint.
  4. Using a syringe, fluid is drawn from the joint.
  5. The needle is removed and a special bandage is applied.

Contraindications for puncture of the knee joint

Contraindications for this procedure:

Consequences of puncture of the knee joint

As a rule, serious side effects during this procedure are not observed. The only unpleasant phenomenon can be an allergic rash . It occurs in about 2% of operated patients, and develops because of an allergic reaction.

In general, puncture of the knee joint leads only to positive consequences, the main of which is the full recovery of the joint. It is, as a rule, extremely necessary to preserve the patient's health. If this operation is not carried out, the consequences will be much more serious and damaging to the organism, up to the loss of the knee's ability to work.