Slimming broccoli

Broccoli is a favorite product of health-conscious US residents. This kind of cabbage is incredibly popular overseas, and it's not just that: in a country where more than half of the inhabitants are struggling with obesity, such a product is simply irreplaceable! Broccoli cabbage is a unique product for weight loss, which allows you to eat well and at the same time lose excess pounds.

Slimming on broccoli

The secret to the effectiveness of broccoli is that this cabbage, like others, has an extremely low calorie content - only 30 units per 100 grams. This is less than 1% kefir! On the digestion of this cabbage the body consumes more calories than it receives from it, due to which it is referred to products with the so-called "negative caloric value". This means that from it you not only will not get better, but also significantly reduce the calorie content of any dish if you consume it on a garnish.

Almost any diet on broccoli is surprisingly effective. Even if you just replace your usual dinner with it, you will lose a lot in 1-2 weeks!

Diet on broccoli for 10 days

Use broccoli for weight loss in many different ways. Consider a diet, during which you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight (in case of a lot of excess weight). The first phase lasts 6 days and is the main one, and the second lasts 4 days and is considered fixing. Consider the diet menu with broccoli:

1 and 2 day:

  1. Breakfast: a portion of boiled broccoli, a cup of tea.
  2. Lunch: a portion of boiled chicken breast with broccoli, a glass of chicken broth.
  3. Dinner: a portion of boiled broccoli, a cup of tea.

Day 3-4:

  1. Breakfast: broccoli fried with crushed garlic in olive oil.
  2. Lunch: stew of broccoli, tomatoes and onions.
  3. Dinner: broccoli fried with crushed garlic in olive oil.

5-6 day:

  1. Breakfast: boiled beef and boiled broccoli with sour cream.
  2. Lunch: boiled broccoli.
  3. Dinner: a little boiled beef and green tea without sugar.

7 and 8 day:

  1. Breakfast: boiled broccoli, a couple of hard-boiled eggs, tea.
  2. Lunch: light soup on chicken broth, which includes only broth and broccoli.
  3. Dinner: broccoli, a couple of tomatoes and a slice of bread.

9 and 10 day:

  1. Breakfast: boiled broccoli and carrots.
  2. Lunch: boiled fish and broccoli.
  3. Dinner: boiled broccoli and 1 potato.

At the same time it is allowed to drink water and green tea without sugar and other additives indefinitely. Alcohol on a diet is strictly prohibited.

Broccoli: recipes for weight loss

In our country, not everyone knows how to cook broccoli, and the recipes for a diet are usually quite in demand. Consider a variety of options that are suitable for dietary nutrition:

  1. Broccoli soup for weight loss . Prepare a weak chicken broth (about 2 liters). Remove the chicken, it will not be useful. In the broth put the broccoli cut into inflorescences, chopped Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs., Carrots in circles - 2 pieces, chopped onion, tomatoes crushed - 3-4 pieces. Cook until ready for vegetables.
  2. Broccoli for breakfast . Boil a handful of small broccoli inflorescences, place on a frying pan and pour a mixture of two eggs and 3/4 cup of milk. Salt to taste. Cook both usual omelette.
  3. Broccoli in breadcrumbs for breakfast . Boil broccoli, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in oil. Eat rarely and only for breakfast!
  4. Stew with broccoli . Grind half a kilo of ordinary cabbage, half a broccoli head, 2 bell peppers, 2 tomatoes, 2 medium onions, zucchini or zucchini (if any). Put in a saucepan with a little oil and cook until ready.

Even if you are without any system to have breakfast and dinner broccoli, you will certainly lose weight. The main thing - after reaching the desired weight, do not start eating as before - because if you once recovered on such a diet, it will invariably happen again. Switch to healthy food!