Footwear for school

The choice of school shoes is always an urgent issue, because the school period is marked by active growth of the child and changes in his style preferences, which makes the already difficult choice even more difficult. But let's study in detail what and why should be the children's shoes for the school, and what models should be abandoned, no matter how the child insists on them.

Choosing school children's shoes

Shoes for the youngest schoolchildren must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a high and hard back , necessary for tight fixation of the foot in a level position. During the school period, an important stage in the formation of the foot occurs - the bone grows rapidly and assumes a permanent shape, adapting to the body of the child. Incorrect placement of the foot during walking (and it is very difficult to keep track of when the child spends 6 hours in school) or the curved position of the leg in the shoe can greatly affect this process and create a serious orthopedic problem.
  2. To be with the instep. This soft pillow on the inside allows you to protect the child's leg from flat feet and helps to cope with excessive strain of the arch.
  3. Have a small heel. School shoes on the heel can have a lift to 0.5-1.5 cm - this will be enough to correctly distribute the weight to the 3 main points of support that are on the foot, and ensure the child a smooth posture and a beautiful gait .
  4. Have a roller with a filler on the back. A small soft cushion protects the child's leg from rubbing with a rigid skeleton of shoes, and also prevents discomfort with various types of activity caused by the movement of the foot.

And in this case, it is very encouraging that young children are quite loyal to the proposed options, subject to the presence of certain decor elements: bows, beads and other, in general, minor details. It is much more difficult to convince in anything a teenager.

Features of the choice of school shoes for a teenager

School teen shoes, as such, are rather meager in the market. After all, at the age of 12-16 the child already has a fairly large foot size and firmly insists on wearing an adult store. There is nothing bad in this, and it's not worth the power to lead the child to those few shops where they sell the "right" school shoes. The main thing is to strictly limit the choice of classical models. First, in most cases this is a clear requirement of the school administration, and secondly, shoes that do not provide normal foot support, can still deform the child's leg.

In no event can you buy school shoes:

  1. Keds and sneakers. Sports shoes are comfortable, but they are shoes for physical education in school, for training in the gym, for short walks, for sports games in the yard, but not for daily wear for 7-8 hours. Regular walking in sports shoes for a child is fraught with a deformation of the arch and, as a consequence, a flattening of the foot.
  2. Shoes with high heels . The choice of shoes in the school for girls is the subject of annual disputes of young women of fashion, parents and school administration. And these disputes come to an end approximately equally - the general consent to a heel not more than 5-7 cm high. And the teachers in this situation are absolutely right: prolonged wearing of high-heel shoes leads not only to simple foot fatigue, but also to the development of circulatory problems in the lower extremities.

In the rest, it is not worth limiting the child's wishes. His desire to develop his own style and somehow differ, but something to look like classmates, it is understandable and natural for such an age.