Finishing Ugs

The only drawback that can be found in Ugly boots, which do not cease to be a popular trend, is that they quickly get wet pretty quickly. Therefore, despite the fact that the ugg boots are an excellent footwear for the autumn-winter time, they are not always available at this time, because when it rains or drenched with snow, these boots will quickly get wet and their feet will eventually freeze. An excellent way out of this situation will be the battered ugg boots. They are made just right for this kind of weather, because they are not at all afraid of moisture, while remaining so soft and comfortable, because it is for these qualities that the whole world so fell in love with them. In general, we can say with confidence that such ugg boots are a must have for rainy and snowy time.

Women's gloves

Their "magic" properties of ugg boots are acquired through special treatment of the skin. It is soaked with special substances, which make it waterproof. At the same time, the skin remains absolutely safe, since no dangerous chemical substances are used during processing. Also it is worth noting that the skin of these uggs does not lose its properties over time, so you can safely wear them in the rain not one season.

It is best to choose high glossy uggs, as they are much better to protect feet from moisture. In addition, if you accidentally get stuck while walking, you will wipe dirt from such boots much more than, for example, with jeans. But, of course, the shortened, or mini glued uggs look very stylish on the foot and even quite unusual. So if you have a warm enough climate, and in the winter, you do not drop the snow to your knees, then short ugg boots will also be an excellent choice.

The color gamut of glued ugg can not be called too extensive. The most classic option is black ugli. They can also be called the most versatile option, since shoes of black color are suitable for virtually any clothing. Also a good option is the white glued ugi, which are very gentle and feminine look on the foot. True, they can be quite difficult to clean from dirt, but beauty, as they say, requires sacrifice. But, perhaps, the most interesting options are golden and silvery glued ugi. Metallic color in general looks very stylish, and even shoes with a metallic tint - this is a chic accessory. In such shoes, you definitely will not go unnoticed.

Well, if we talk about the decor, then perfectly look the ugly ugg boots with a button on the outside. It gives simple shoes some "zest". Also there are models decorated with fur on top, which adds style boots and some prettyness.