
Christmas trees have long been considered one of the most successful periods for fortune-telling, because all the rituals performed will allow obtaining the most accurate and truthful result. There are different ways of telling fortunes at home, for example, for the future, love, money etc. It is important to use magic only if there is an unshakable belief in a positive result, otherwise nothing will come out.

How to guess wonders on wax at home?

Many guess at the water, we also offer another option, for which you need to use milk. Pour it in a saucer and put it on the threshold. Take the cinder or just cut the new candle into pieces, fold them into a metal container and put them on the fire to melt. Stir wax and say these words:

"Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk, eat the wax."

After this, pour the wax into the milk and look at the resulting figure, which will be the interpretation of fortune telling in the holy days of the house. The main thing is to include imagination and take into account what is associated with this or that object. For example, if a cross is obtained, it is a harbinger of illness or minor problems. The figure in the form of an animal warns about enemies, but the dog is a friend's sign. The small dot is a symbol of luck, and the heart is the harbinger of love.

How to guess the Christmas holidays on paper?

Want to know what desire will come true in the very near future, then use this fortune-telling. Take a sheet of paper and cut it into equal strips, on which you want to write one of your desire or question. Write really important questions for you, because a frivolous attitude will not bring results. Lay them in a large wide vessel that will fill with water, and this will cause the strips to swirl in the whirlpool, and then float up. The first piece of paper on the surface will be the result of fortune telling. If the question was asked, then the answer to it is positive.