Guessing on matches

The easiest way to find out about a man's feelings is guessing at matches. There are several options that will help you find all the information you need.

Fortune-telling on matches

To perform the ritual, you need to take 2 matches, one of which should symbolize you, the other one is a suitor. It is recommended to sign them in order not to confuse. It is important that matches are dry, only in this way one can be sure of the truthfulness of fortune telling. Fasten them to an object so that they stand flat, and do not fall. For example, use clay or something like that. Next, you must simultaneously light them and watch how their position changes.

The value of guessing on matches:

Thus, you can guess at other people, for example, friends or new acquaintances, just match them by their names.

Guessing on matches and water

Thanks to this ritual, you can find out information on how to solve this or that situation. It is necessary for him to take matches and a glass of water. Before you start to guess, close your eyes and get rid of all thoughts. After you take the match, ask the question that interests you, light it and throw it into the water. Do the same with another match.

The meaning of fortune telling is:

Guessing on matches to love

This ancient ritual will give an opportunity to see the future groom in a dream. From the matches you need to make a well, and next to put a cup of water. Also for the ritual, you need to buy a small lock that closes on the handle of the mug, and put the key under the pillow. Before you go to bed, say the following words: "Seriously-mummified, come to me to drink water, I have a key to ask."

Guessing on matches for desire

This ritual must be performed at night on the first day of the full moon. Take a white candle, light it, make a wish and mentally connect with the cosmic power. Stand face to face with the east and use the candle to draw a line between you and the space. After that, take matches, make a wish , shake the box and sprinkle matches on the table.

The number of matches will be the answer: