Divination by relationship

Each of us would be pleased to understand what he thinks about what our neighbor feels. If we can not become clairvoyants by the wave of a magic wand, then we can use fortune telling to relate to any newcomer in occult and supernatural affairs.

What is the use of divination for a relationship?

Divination by tarot for relationships is most often used by lovers to clarify the feelings of their partners. We all languish in doubts, and fears of the insincerity of the other are not alien to any of us. Love is impossible without faith, and to help it to arise, it will be nice to explain the thoughts and types of our admirers and make a test for lice.

Mutual relations and business

In addition, to the fortune-telling on Tarot cards , little sentimental, business people resort to the relationship to determine the true intentions of their business partners. In business, sometimes you have to believe and "honest" word, so you will have the opportunity to determine the degree of honesty.

We begin to guess

So, our card alignment demonstrates the multifacetedness of human thoughts and feelings. First, we will calculate the situation that has developed at the moment - this is the most important thing in any prediction.

Secondly, with the help of fortune telling on maps on relationships, we will see the difference between the visible and the conceivable. In other words, you will understand that in the behavior of your vis-à-vis superficial, and what is sincere.

And, thirdly, we will be able to discover the influence of third parties on the fate of these relationships. If it is a question of guessing on personal relationships, the fall of the card of the opposite sex in the partner's column indicates that he is interested in the other. If the court card (kings, queens, knights, pages) are in the center of the story - this indicates interference in the development of third-party relationships.

For fortune telling, you need cards that no one else has used except you, in addition, these cards can not be played or given to others for temporary use. During the fortune telling, you should be alone, nothing dares to distract you, otherwise the cards will get angry. Therefore, it is better to turn off the phone and other devices that can distract at the most inopportune moment.

It will be useful for your concentration to create a slightly occult setting on the table for fortune-telling. Light the candle - this will strengthen the connection with the other world, place a new tablecloth on the table that nobody used, tighten the curtains or perform the ritual at night.

Throwing cards, think about the person you are guessing at, keep in mind the question "How will my relations with that one develop?"

Divination: decompositions and interpretations

We remove 7 cards with your left hand. We lay out in the following order:

The first card is in the center.

The second and third - above it, the upper row.

The fourth and fifth are on the side of it, on the left and on the right.

The sixth and seventh are the bottom row.

Let's talk

The central map (significator) is the theme of the relationship, the situation in which you are now.

The top row is your partner's thoughts and thoughts.

The central series is the soul, feelings, heart. Maps tell you what you feel, what you want and what you're afraid of.

The bottom row is external indicators. The manner of behavior, what you consider it necessary to show each other.

Pay attention to the court cards - kings, queens and knights. Their falling out in the column of your partner (right) means that he is interested in another person. In the center - the interference of an outsider in your relationship.

The values ​​of the dropped cards can be viewed here .