Gypsy guess-work for love

Want to find out all the secret information about your beloved, and what awaits your relationship in the future, use the gypsy fortune-teller for love. With the help of ancient rituals you can open the curtain of the future and learn a lot of interesting information. The peculiarity of gypsy fortune-telling - they always leave a little hidden information, for your imagination. Therefore, when interpreting the dropped cards, it is not always worthwhile to take everything literally, but on the contrary, one must think abstractly and a little abstractly in order to obtain insight.

Divination by cards: gipsy alignment

For this ritual, take a deck of 36 cards, focus on the issue that interests you, and shuffle the deck for a while. With your left hand on yourself remove the part of the deck and put it under the bottom. Now in 3 columns, spread out 9 cards and find out:

The values ​​of the maps can be found here .

Gypsy fortune-telling on kings

This option is very popular among women, as it allows you to immediately learn about the feelings of 4 men. For divination, take the standard deck of cards and select 4 kings. For each, ask the name of the man who interests you. It is desirable that the image from the image coincides with the real appearance. Stir kings and put the shirt up in a row.

Shuffle the deck and start spreading under the kings on the left to the right of the card in vertical columns. If the ace falls, then put it on the king, in which series he fell and continue to divination. The next card that you want to put 6, but only if it falls out exactly in this column and there already is an ace. Further 7, 8 and so on to the lady. In general, the cards must be arranged in a certain order. After collecting the deck, but the cards that you have already put on the kings, do not touch. Repeat the manipulation 4 times. The importance of gypsy fortune-telling on relationships:

Gypsy fortune telling

In this ritual, only 42 cards participate. First, divide the deck into the older and lower lasso. From the younger take the first 20 cards and connect them with the elders. The resulting deck should be expanded from right to left in 6 rows of 7 cards. In this scenario, the man will be the senior arcane "Magician", "Emperor", "Fool". The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

The values ​​of tarot cards can be seen in this article .

Ancient gypsy guessing on maps

This ritual is more than five hundred years old and it helps to know the attitude of a man to you. Take an ordinary deck, choose from it a king who will symbolize the chosen one. Stack the mix and lay out as follows: in the center of the king, and up lay left to right 4 rows of 4 cards, they will mean the near future. Lay out one more card at the top, it will mean a person or an event that will change the near future. Now, down from the king, lay out 4 rows of 4 cards, which will mean a distant future. Even lower, put 2 cards:

the first is a person or an event that is the cause of past problems; the second is a person or an event that will soon disappear from your life.