Fracture of the finger

Nobody is immune from damage of varying severity, especially brushes, because when you fall a person tries to avoid a bruise with the help of these parts of the body. Also, finger damage can occur due to improper handling of mechanisms that have a twisting or squeezing effect. On how the finger is damaged, and the nature of the fracture depends, and consequently, on its treatment.

Causes of fracture of fingers

Most often, fingers are injured in athletes: volleyball players, basketball players, gymnasts and boxers, although the latter are protected by special gloves. Also children and people with osteoporosis are at risk.

In any case, the fracture is always due to direct injury:

Fracture of the finger: the main symptoms

Fracture can not always be determined independently (due to edema), but often it is easy for a person to understand that the damage was indeed severe, and perhaps the bone is damaged.

The main signs of a fractured finger on the arm:

The most severe is a fracture of the thumb, because in this case, the work capacity is restored much longer, and even if the treatment is wrong, the damage can for many years inform itself of the limited movements of the hand. If you press on the axis of your finger, the pain increases.

The most mild form of fracture of the thumb is considered if its tip is damaged, but often with this the nail plate suffers, which can remain deformed. It is worse if the finger is broken under the joint and 1 metacarpal bone is affected - this is the so-called Bennett fracture.

According to statistics, most people turn to help because of a broken little finger on the arm, but fortunately, it does not play such an important role in the work of the brush as large, and therefore, even if after the treatment there remains minor pain and limited movements, this will not affect the functioning of the brush.

A fracture of the middle finger, as well as a fracture of the ring finger, pose a special danger only in case of joint damage, tk. this kind of fracture is hard to cure without consequences: often people have chronic pain and fingers are not as flexible as before.

Classification of finger fractures

Depending on the fracture line, distinguish:

Linear fractures are treated faster and easier than others, and the most difficult from this point of view is considered splintery, when the bone is fragmented into small pieces.

Also, fractures are open and closed. With a closed fracture, it is difficult to visually diagnose it without the help of a doctor, but an open fracture is always obvious without radiography and a specialist.

Fractures can have different locations: with damage to the joint or bone. But these kinds of fractures can be combined: thus, a fracture of the phalanx of the finger of the hand can be open or closed, but if the first one is damaged, it often has an open form with damage to the nail. Such injuries happen in everyday life if you pinch your finger with a door or drop a heavy object on it.

Treatment of fracture of the finger

Treatment begins with confirmation of the diagnosis and for this X-ray is done.

If the fracture is open, then this puts the body at risk, because the infection can penetrate through the wound, and antibiotics are always prescribed for such fractures. Physicians to repair the bone may need to perform an operation, so that the finger later properly fused.

With an open fracture, a tight bandage is applied to stop blood, and stitching may also be necessary.

When the displacement is carried out reposition, it occurs immediately in the trauma department, under local anesthesia.

After the doctors have identified a closed fracture of the finger, impose a plaster, which is held no longer than 3 weeks.

When the plaster is removed, patients can feel numbness of the fingers after a fracture, and in this case they are prescribed exercise therapy and physiotherapy procedures. Over time, this symptom occurs when the finger is fully restored.