Preparations for improvement of cerebral circulation

Violation of the blood flow can occur at any age. Therefore, there are various drugs for improving cerebral circulation, which are recommended not only for people over fifty years, but also for very young patients.

Signs of circulatory disorders

Needless to say, memory loss is the most obvious symptom of cerebral circulatory disturbance, and drugs that help to eliminate this problem should be taken at the first manifestations of pathology. At the same time, taking any medicines should be done only after a thorough examination. To date, there are no such funds that would only work on the blood circulation of the brain, but there are those that minimize the work of the general circulation of blood. In this case, their reception is possible only after the recommendations of a specialist.

Thanks to medications for cerebral circulation the following changes occur:

What drugs improve cerebral circulation?

Preparations for cerebral circulation can be based on medicinal herbs or have only a chemical composition. In this case, a number of drugs can be taken without a doctor's prescription, while others - only on the advice of specialists and under their scrupulous supervision.

The main drugs for improving cerebral circulation include the following:

These funds can be taken without a prescription, but the following must necessarily be discussed with your doctor:

Good results are given by preparations based on the alkaloid of the vinca plant, for example, Vinpocetine. It has an antispasmodic effect and effectively dilates the vessels of the brain, and also improves microcirculation in the vessels.

The best medicine for cerebral circulation, which least affect the main bloodstream and act only on the brain, can be called Nimodiline and Cinnarizin.

It is worth paying attention to such tools that help improve peripheral blood supply:

Preparations for prophylaxis

No less important are preventive measures that will help to keep the mental activity as long as possible and postpone the problems associated with impaired blood circulation of the brain. To such means it is possible to carry reception:

Good reviews have a drug such as Fezam, which possesses nootropic, antihypoxic, vasodilating action.

The most simple preventive means can be called ordinary Aspirin, which is a good thinner blood and reduces thrombus formation. In this case, it is prescribed even in very serious cases. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that acetylsalicylic acid, which is the basis of this drug, is contraindicated in the following problems:

That is why it is very important to consult a doctor and discuss the recommended preventive doses in order not to harm your health.