Breast osteochondrosis - treatment at home

Overload of the intervertebral discs of the thoracic part of the skeleton or the violation of metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue often provoke the development of osteochondrosis. Because of this, the vertebrae lose their cushioning properties, the nerve root becomes jammed, the nearby muscles, ligaments and joints are damaged. This type of pathology almost does not occur in severe form, so it's even easy to prevent and relieve breast osteochondrosis - home treatment involves the use of a set of measures that allow the back to move and flexibility, strengthen the muscular corset.

Symptoms and principles of treatment in the home of breast osteochondrosis

Characteristic manifestations of the described disease:

Therapy of the pathology consists in arresting acute attacks of pain and the subsequent restoration of the functions of intervertebral discs and cartilaginous tissue.

In the period of recurrence of osteochondrosis, a conservative treatment regimen for the treatment of the osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine in the home is mandatory, which consists of taking pharmacological preparations and a number of physiotherapeutic effects:

After an exacerbation the maintenance treatment according to recommendations of the doctor is shown. It is necessary to engage in special gymnastics designed to improve metabolic processes, blood circulation in tissues, restore flexibility of the spine, muscle strength.

How to treat breast osteochondrosis medically?

Remove the acute attack of the disease allows the following drugs:

Pharmacological treatment of recurrent chest osteochondrosis at home helps quickly to get rid of intense pain, improve the general condition of a person, support the restoration of biomechanics of the spine. In combination with physiotherapy, such influences can stop or significantly slow the progression of pathology.

Treatment of breast osteochondrosis with gymnastics at home

Physical education helps to strengthen the muscular corset as additional support for the spinal column, stimulate the metabolic process.

Recommended set of exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, on the floor, spread your arms wide apart. Without lifting off the pelvis, and without bending the left arm in the elbow, put it on the right hand, palm to the palm of your hand. Repeat for the other side.
  2. Staying on the floor, lie on your right side. The right hand should be taken over the head, leaning on her elbow. The left arm should be pulled out and bent in the back. Repeat for left side.
  3. Lie down on the floor with your stomach down, rest against the surface with your hands (bend your arms in the elbows) and your toes. Pushing your feet, bend your back and stretch your whole body forward, lifting your head like a cat.
  4. Stand on all fours. Raise the upper right arm, flexing your back. Return to the indicated position and repeat for the left hand.
  5. Again lie down on the floor, on your back, hands along the trunk. Without lifting off the pelvis, pull up the left leg to the chest. Repeat for the right foot.

In total it is necessary to make 5-10 approaches on 10 times of each exercise. Classes should not cause pain or discomfort.