Man-Capricorn in love - behavior

The Capricorn man is timid, but at the same time he feels some inner core, strength. Ambitious and purposeful, he is not burdened by his loneliness, but at the same time he carefully and scrupulously selects his girlfriend, not giving himself a second chance. In love, the Capricorn man gives certain behavior.

Male Capricorns in love and relationships

It is not necessary to expect that representatives of this sign of the Zodiac will arrange public scenes and strip passion: the chosen one can not guess that the choice fell on it. Capricorn can with cold calculation make plans for a joint future with this woman, evaluating it from all points of view, beginning with a pedigree and ending with the manner of dressing. However, often the call of their hot heart prevails over reason and the men of this sign fall in love with windy and frivolous persons.

However, for the marriage choose educated, purposeful, economic and disciplined girls with high moral principles, and if they have such a devilishness and zadorinka, they consider it a pleasant addition. If you turn Capricorn inside out, then under the "skin" of reliability, responsibility and discernment you can see a cheerful and gentle dreamer who craves adventure and excitement. Therefore, speaking of the psychology of the Capricorn man in love, it is worth saying that he will fall to the feet of one that will meet the criteria of this restless cheerful person, but will not cause rejection of the conservative Capricorn with his unchanged habits and values.

Compatibility of the Capricorn male and his characterization in love

Capricorn will be good with the female Taurus, whose union will be strong and full of passion and tenderness. Aries will suppress the representative of this sign of the Zodiac, and the Gemini are too independent to honor traditions and take care of others' opinions. Ideal relationship with the woman Cancer, attract Capricorn and ambitious and ambitious Leo. Such a partner will appreciate Virgo, and he will receive an enthusiastic attitude and flattering epithets from a Libra woman. In general, the partner can only dream of a husband who will not hang noodles on his ears, but immediately will do business - arrangement of the family hearth.

Capricorn is jealous of love and will not tolerate coquetry with other men, and he will require from the partner practicality, sensitivity, understanding and support. If she is not burdened by the external coldness and closeness of the partner, but makes a bet on his housekeeping and rationality, then their alliance is doomed to success.