
Probably, every person in his childhood had lumps on his forehead. Then we did not attach much importance to this trouble. The main thing is that it does not hurt. If a lump appears on the head of a child, then it is known that the best way is to put ice to the bruised place. But when the lump appears on the face of an adult woman, for her it can be a real problem. Indeed, a bump on the head or on the lip is not only ugly, but also dangerous. If you do not pay attention to this problem in time and start treating the cones, then there can be unpleasant consequences.

We will not talk about bumps on the forehead, received because of the impact. They pass, and we forget about them. Let's talk about cones that do not disappear on their own and require treatment.

Dangerous cones

A cone is a growth under the skin. This is a kind of benign tumor that does not change its structure, but it can increase in size. Modern medicine has a large number of varieties of cones that can appear on the face, arm or toes. The most common of these are the wart, atheroma, fibroma, lipoma, hemangioma. Let's consider methods of fighting such cones:

  1. Lipoma. In the people it is also called zhirovik. The process of lipoma formation is quite long - it can reach 10 years. Basically, this bump is formed on the body, head, axillary cavities. To cure a lipoma it is possible a national agent: to weld bulbs, to grate on a grater, to mix with grated economic soap and to do a compress some times in day.
  2. Atheroma - is a small bump that appears on the head, in the hair, on the back or behind the ear. There is an atheroma due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. For a short period of time such a bump can increase to the size of a chicken egg. Most often, the atheroma is painless, but if an infection gets into it, then there are pain and temperature. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary.
  3. Fibroma - a tight ball, separated from the body by a small "leg". Such a bump develops very slowly, and can appear on any part of the body. Physicians remove such a bump only surgically, but there are traditional medicine that can get rid of fibroids. The bump can dissolve, if daily to make a lotion from broth of a golden mustache and grated beets.
  4. Hemangioma - is a subcutaneous accumulation of improperly fused blood vessels. From all subcutaneous formations, hemangioma is very fast and is the most dangerous. Expanding, hemangioma destroys healthy tissue. This cone most often occurs behind the ear, in the eye and mucous. Treatment of hemangioma can not be started. How to get rid of such a bump, you can only explain the specialist.
  5. Warts. With warts, unlike other cones, many face. Modern medicine offers a variety of methods for the withdrawal of warts - medicamentous, laser burning, surgical. There are also folk methods of removing the wart. The most famous is raw potatoes, which must be applied several times a day to the affected area of ​​the skin, until the wart disappears completely.

In some people, bumps may appear after injections. There is no clear medical definition of what this is about. To identify the cause of the appearance of cones from injections, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe you another course of treatment.

Wherever you get a lump - on the hands, toes or any other part of the body - only the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment for you. Timely help will quickly save you from this trouble.