Friday 13 - Plots

The fact that Friday 13 - a bad day, probably, and children know. Many understand that there is nothing to be afraid of, but the general panic still makes you nervous. There are special conspiracies that will help Friday 13 turn into a bright and joyful day. Remember that the most important thing is to believe that everything will be fine and negative energy will not affect you.

Plots on Friday the 13th

To charge positive and drive away negative thoughts about this day, start the morning with the reading of "Our Father", and then read these words:

"Holy Friday is stronger, And I'm a slave (slave), standing behind her, And not for today. Amen".

To enhance the action, you can repeat magic words throughout the day. For another ritual on Friday 13, you need to take a large calendar. With a bright marker of your favorite color, decorate the ill-fated date. Be sure to look at your masterpiece. Now you should start making a talisman that will repel all negative from you. Choose a beautiful shiny button and a rope, on which it should be placed. Remember that at this time you should only think about the positive. Prepare the cocoa and add a pinch of vanilla, cinnamon and favorite seasonings. It is important that cocoa be real. Prepared "potion" you need to drink and say these words:

"The potion was sculpted - luck caught. Spoon caught - put in a mug. We drink, we enjoy, we are loaded with luck. About misfortunes they forgot when they washed the mug. "

After that the sediment, which remained after the drink, must be washed into the sink. That's all, the troubles and problems that could trap you on this day, were washed away into the water supply.

Many are convinced that all the charms and spells on Friday 13 act with redoubled force. Therefore, you can hold any ritual concerning finance, health, love, etc.