What does the name Vera mean?

The features of Faith are decency and warmth, she is truthful, kind-hearted and appreciates order.

The name Vera itself says about its meaning. It means, sobstenno, the word "faith".

Origin of the name Vera:

The name Vera is a Russian-language adaptation of the Greek "pistis" - "faith", akin to the roots of this name and the Latin word "verus", which has a similar meaning.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Faith:

Faith appears light and calm. She has been attentive to people since childhood, loves her parents and tries not to upset her. He loves younger brothers and sisters, is not jealous and not capricious. Noisy games trying to avoid, a little shy, prefers quiet classes, often collects collections of small gizmos, herbariums. She is sensitive, thinks quickly, from an early age she shows a penchant for art. Many Faiths are happy to attend music schools, acquired skills are used in life. Failures severely injure them.

Faith is sober and practical, far from fantasy, although it has a subtle poetic nature. Leader's vein is rare, it is not sufficiently consistent and rational for analytical work, and therefore the best professions related to art and pedagogy are best for her. Many people have a good voice, they are talented and successful singers. In other areas, they rarely have outstanding successes, Faiths are strong middles.

Faiths are sensitive to family and friendly relations, they respond more sharply to someone else's pain than to their own. Faith is faithful and trustful, sometimes excessively inert. She prefers to communicate more with women than with men, but her friends do not have much. She often suffers from suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence, and lack of support, she needs the support of her loved ones to get out of apathy and get rid of laziness. Vera has a solid moral core, she strives for right and truth, does not like lies, but is not ready to be an active fighter for the truth. Conflict tries to settle, avoids open opposition with anyone, but loves it when the last word is behind it.

Groundedness of the Faith attracts her to self-confident, fundamental men. Young Ver believes that relations often differ from reality, it is not easy for them to accept the real character of the chosen one. Good partners for the Faith will be experienced men older than her. In bed, she needs confirmation of her own attractiveness and desire, the more Vera doubts herself, the more often she changes partners. Preferences are provided to wealthy men, believes that one love will not be full.

The strongest marriages of Ver - late. Faith, as a rule, gives herself entirely to the child, diligently educates him, her type is a powerful mother-owner. If there is more than one child in the family, this is less pronounced. From her husband he expects conformity with his ideals, reliability, financial security. He does not pretend to be a leader in the family, likes to spend time at home, prepares well and deliciously - Ver's husbands are often inclined to fullness. She is not scandalous, gets along well with her husband's relatives.

Interesting facts about the name Vera:

Faith, born in the warm season, are sensual and sexual. "Autumn" - businesslike and calculating, "winter" can be excessively strict, restrained in relationships, late marry.

For marriage, Eugene, Alexander, Vladimir, Egor, Pavel and Mikhail are suitable for her, avoiding relations with Anatoly, Oleg and Vyacheslav.

According to the biblical tradition, this name was one of the great martyrs, who was killed with the sisters for true faith and unwillingness to give up Christianity.

Name Vera in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Vera : Verka; The Faith; Verusa; Verana; Verah; I believe; Rusya; Verash; Verule; Verunia;

Vera - color of name : dark blue

Flower of Faith : Heather

Stone of Faith : beryl

Forms and variants of the name Vera : Rusik, Verka, Veer, Baby, Truth, Wind, Era, Verna