Conspiracy from the evil eye

Protection from the evil eye was a common thing for our great-grandmothers. Cows woven into the tail of bright ribbons (to milk and not hurt), the baby's wrists were worn with silk thread and read conspiracies from evil eye and spoilage, even on towels were embroidered special patterns that protect the young family. About how to protect yourself from domestic spoiling and envy through conspiracies and prayers, you will learn from our article.

Plots against the evil eye and spoilage on the pin

A regular metal pin is one of the most common modern amulets from evil eye, envy and domestic spoilage. However, in order to ward off the evil eye, you must first hold a small ceremony, having read on the pin a plot from the evil eye. You can choose one of the following options:

With a candle:

With onion:

Conspiracy with mountain ash:

After performing any of these rituals, you need to pin the pin from the wrong side to your clothes. If the protection is lost, do not panic - it means she took the negative with her. You just need to attach a new pin, because you already know how to speak it from the evil eye.

Strong conspiracies from the evil eye to water

Water is often used in various rituals, because it is she who is able to receive and conserve energy, including protective. The water is traditionally read by conspiracies and prayers from evil eye and against corruption.

1. This plot is aimed at removing the evil eye.

2. A ritual with spoons will help to prevent misfortune. This plot can be used to remove the evil eye from the child (including the newborn) and from spoilage:

3. Conspiracy to water with nettles to remove the evil eye:

In addition, remember that one of the strongest prayers from the evil eye, which is used in almost all rituals, is the "Our Father". Reading it in the morning and in the evening, you protect yourself from evil forces, even if you are not a believing person.