Cystitis in women - symptoms and treatment by the best methods

Cystitis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the stage of the pathological process, is a frequent disease. Characterized by a violation of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Consider the disease in more detail, highlighting the signs of cystitis, the causes and methods of treatment.

Causes of cystitis

The causes of cystitis in women are so diverse that it is possible to determine directly the one that led to the disease after a comprehensive examination. Among the main doctors distinguish infectious - associated with the penetration of the genitourinary system of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, infection can occur in several ways:

Among the non-infectious causes of cystitis, it is customary to distinguish:

Also, when considering the pathogenesis of cystitis, it is customary to identify and predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of pathology. Among them:

Acute cystitis

By the type of current pathological process is distinguished:

Acute cystitis in women refers to a primary infection. It often develops suddenly, more often after a strong hypothermia of the body. A woman observes the appearance of rapid urination, a strong, cutting pain that accompanies every visit to the toilet. The frequency of acts is becoming more frequent - it is necessary to empty the bladder every 20-30 minutes. As the pathological process progresses, soreness spreads to the perineal region, genital organs, anus.

Body temperature rises slightly. However, with further progression of pathology, the spread of the process to the kidneys, the temperature reaches 39-40 degrees. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply, chills occur. The situation requires medical intervention and the appointment of therapy. Treatment in this case is based on the use of antibacterial drugs.

Chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis in women has a secondary origin. To develop it, you need another pathological process of the urinary system. Because of this, when diagnosing a chronic form, a source is searched in the genito-urinary organs. Manifestations of it are similar to the acute form. The difference is in the less pronounced symptoms. Talking about how to cure cystitis in a chronic stage, doctors point out the need to eliminate the root cause.

Separately, this type of chronic course is distinguished as interstitial cystitis . In this case, the inflammation captures the entire volume of the bladder. Gradually, the wall of the bladder begins to be replaced by a scar tissue. As a result, the body wrinkles, its volume decreases. There is a need to empty the bladder more often, incontinence can develop.

Cystitis in women - symptoms

When cystitis develops, its symptoms are pronounced, so when confronted with a violation, a woman can easily diagnose it when it resumes. A characteristic symptom of it is frequent and painful urination. In this case, the patients themselves describe the pain as "severe burning". The general state of health worsens, there is a constant aching pain in the lumbar region. There is an increase in body temperature. It is worth noting that in elderly women the symptoms of violation are not so pronounced.

Urine in cystitis

When the disease develops, patients notice a change in the color of urine. Often it loses its transparency, becomes cloudy. Its color changes from straw yellow to gray with a greenish tinge. At close examination it is possible to identify the presence of small flakes - these are leukocytes . It is often fixed and cystitis with blood. This indicates the presence in the secreted urine of red blood cells, which leave the lesion focus.

Pain in cystitis

Considering signs of a cystitis at women, among first signs doctors mark painful sensations. They are localized in the lower abdomen, caused by irritation of receptors located in the bladder. At the same time, a smooth muscle spasm develops, which causes pain. It accompanies each urination, often radiates into the lower back, the area of ​​the anus. Because of this, therapy of this pathology involves the use of pain medications.

How to treat cystitis?

After the cystitis is revealed, the treatment starts taking into account the cause of the pathology. Often it becomes an infectious process, so antibacterial drugs are prescribed. They are selected taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms. For this, urine is sown, based on the results of which the type of pathogen is established. With the help of this study determine what to treat cystitis in women.

Patients are advised to adhere to bed rest. Abundant drink helps to remove from the body the products of vital activity of the pathogen, which facilitates the condition. Thus it is necessary to adhere to a diet. The following are excluded from the diet:

Treatment of cystitis in women - drugs

Tablets from cystitis are prescribed exclusively by doctors. They establish the type of pathogen, the stage of the pathological process, the severity of the symptoms. For treatment, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are used. The medicine for cystitis in women is selected individually. To determine the effectiveness of the course of antibacterial therapy, at the end of treatment, a second urine culture is prescribed. Among the common antibacterial drugs that eliminate cystitis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are described above, it is worth mentioning:

Not only antibiotics for cystitis are used by doctors. To avoid muscle spasms, eliminate soreness, antispasmodics are prescribed. Among the common medicines of this group are:

To eliminate inflammatory phenomena, use anti-inflammatory pills against cystitis in women. In doing so, use non-steroidal, such as:

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies

Complex treatment of cystitis in women includes the use of folk methods. However, the intake of medicinal plants must be agreed with the doctor. Let's consider effective recipes.

Sitting baths from cystitis


Preparation, use:

  1. Herbs are mixed in equal volume.
  2. Pour boiling water.
  3. Wait 30 minutes, cool down to 37-38 degrees.
  4. Add the resulting solution to the bath, take a sitting position.
  5. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Infusion of cowberries


Preparation, use:

  1. Raw material is poured a glass of boiling water.
  2. Wait 60 minutes.
  3. Take 50-60 ml, 3 times a day, before eating.

Infusion of parsley


Preparation, use:

  1. Parsley is ground.
  2. 1 tablespoon of greenery is poured in cold water.
  3. Insist 8-10 hours.
  4. Drink the resulting infusion during the day, dividing into 4-5 receptions.

Infusion of millet against cystitis


Preparation, use:

  1. Millet is thoroughly washed.
  2. Pour boiling water.
  3. Insist 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rub the millet until a whitish solution is obtained.
  5. Take 3-4 times a day, until the symptoms decrease.

Cystitis in Pregnancy

Cystitis in early pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. The reason for this is a change in the hormonal background, a decrease in immunity (necessary to prevent rejection of the embryo). As a result of such changes, pathogenic microorganisms multiply, cystitis develops in pregnant women whose symptoms and treatment are similar to those described above. However, the treatment of this disease with gestation has its own characteristics, not every cystitis drug can be pregnant. Therapy has the following features:

Cystitis - consequences

In the absence of correct and timely therapy, the disease becomes chronic. In addition, other effects of cystitis in women are possible:

Prevention of cystitis in women

To completely exclude cystitis in women, gynecologists recommend that their patients adhere to certain rules. So cystitis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, can be prevented if: