Fasting before Easter

Many are interested in the question of which post before Easter, as well as its origin and destination in terms of religion, and, of course, the rules for its observance. The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is preceded by the Great Fast, which is the most important post in the majority of Orthodox Christians. According to the ecclesiastical tradition, the Lent was formed even under the apostles, who witnessed the Savior's earthly life and knew about the 40-day fast in the desert of Christ. And since the apostles wanted to be in everything similar to their teacher, the idea of ​​fasting for Christians appeared in 40 days.

Initially, it did not necessarily have to precede Easter . It was necessary to keep fasting at any time of the year for 40 days.

How long is the fast before Easter?

In our time, the Holy Week, Lazarev's Saturday and the Lord's solemn entry to Jerusalem were added to the Great Post, due to which the duration of the fast before Easter is now 7 weeks.

The Easter fast begins after the Forgiveness of the Resurrection, which is already preparation for it.

Dishes for the post before Easter

During the fasting you need to adhere to a light vegetarian menu without fish, fats, eggs and dairy products. And the restrictions apply not only to products, but also portions, since one can not overeat even with lean food.

During the post, you can put on the table vegetables and fruits in any form, root crops, cereals and legumes, nuts, honey, juices and jam.

The Rules of Lent

Among other things, there are the rules of Lent, which are specifically and fairly strictly described by the church. They describe those foods that can be eaten on certain days, and which ones should be abstained. Strict fasting must be observed in the first and last weeks of fasting. During this time, people fast all day, and eat only once - this is in the evening. On weekends, you can eat dinner with dinner.

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, cold dishes are served on the table without the addition of oils. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it is allowed to eat hot food, too, without oil.

In the prepared dishes on weekends, it is allowed to refill the food with vegetable oil and drink with red wine. The exception is the Saturday of Holy Week.

On Friday, which falls on the Great Passion Week fast throughout the day, and the deeply religious try to adhere to a strict fast and on the pre-Easter Saturday.

Fish dishes can be eaten on Palm Sunday and in the Annunciation, except for the Annunciation, which falls on the Passionate Seven.

Lent has its name because of what is considered the longest period of the year. Most people mistakenly believe that fasting is just abstinence from meat and fatty foods, but in fact it is not. During fasting, there is a purification from all earthly body and soul. It is reborn during this period. After all, it will not be enough for the church to cleanse one's body of impurity. It is necessary to elevate one's soul, and, according to church ministers, despite the fact that the body is considered to be perishable, it is connected with the soul by inseparable threads. And in some cases it is the soul that needs most of all to purify.

Proceeding from the above, one can draw the following conclusion that fasting is a period during which one must abstain from what a person can bring pleasure. He was created for thought, but not for giving up rich food, as many people have come to believe. This is the time for repentance, prayer and awareness of life.