Furnace for a bath of brick

If you are a happy owner of a private house or villa, you have a chance to constantly pamper your body in a real Russian bath. The tradition of the Russian bath has deep roots, and it is not only an exclusively hygienic aspect. Bath is also entertainment, holding a joint time with relatives, friends and even colleagues, in addition, the sauna has a beneficial effect on health, and can even help to lose weight .

And like any steam room, a sauna necessarily consists of a furnace, which is made of metal , wood and brick. And the oven for a bath of bricks is a more traditional phenomenon.

The principle of operation of furnaces for a bath of brick

Furnaces made of bricks are considered the most common option for a bath. Such a structure performs a number of tasks: heats stones, water for bathing, warms up the room and gives steam. By its arrangement, a brick oven for a bath is similar to a kitchen stove. Firewood is stacked in the firebox (or other "fuel"). Burning, wood secrete heat, which passes through the openings of the furnace and heats the walls of the furnace itself, as well as the stove. A stove is called a place where large stones are located. By the way, not all stones are suitable for a bath, but natural ones that can withstand high temperature differences. It can be gabbro-diabase, white quartz, quartzite crimson, talcochlorite, jadeite, pebbles (sea, river), basalt. Such importance in the choice of stones is due to the fact that it is from them that the most valuable product in the steam bath is obtained. It occurs when the stove is poured with water, heated by the stove. By the way, the heat released in the firebox from the burning of firewood also heats the water in the tank. The latter is usually located inside the furnace itself or on top of it.

For the exit of combustion products and soot, usually a stone chimney provides a chimney. But there are buildings without it. The metal oven, of course, has a number of advantages: rapid heating of the steam room, ease of installation. However, true lovers of steaming prefer a stove in a brick bath for a number of reasons. Firstly, the steam from such furnaces is soft, not burning. Therefore, during the stay in the bath, it's easier to breathe, so the length of the pleasant procedure increases. Secondly, the furnaces from a brick in a bath look much more advantageous, in comparison with a metal product. In addition, real craftsmen can create such beauty that the spirit captures.

Kinds of furnaces for a bath from a brick

In general, to date, there are four main types of stoves made of bricks in the bath. The first kind can be conditionally called "in black", this is when the building does not have a chimney. In the sauna, of course, there is a special steam, but is at the time when the wood is burnt, there is impossible because of the products of combustion. Such an oven used to be mainly built in Russian villages. The stones are located on top of the furnace.

A brick stove that drowns a "gray" chimney is, but, truth, soot, unfortunately, accumulates on the stones. But due to its features (stones placed inside), this kind of oven is more economical and allows you to warm up the steam room faster.

A stove in a banya made of bricks, built in a "white" way, does not give a deposit in the form of soot. But its significant disadvantage is considered to be content long heating, up to 10-12 hours. It happens due to the fact that the stones in the furnace have to be heated from the metal ceiling. However, this fact can become a virtue - the steam room is cooled with such an oven for a long time.

At the stove with the stove, the heating of stones and the water tank also occurs from the cast-iron plate, which, in turn, is heated by the heat energy released from the wood.

In general, when deciding to build a sauna with a brick oven on the site, it is recommended to contact the masters who correctly calculate its size relative to the thermae, correctly lay out the structure taking into account all the features. But with a huge desire and skillful hands, a brick oven can be built on its own.