Diet on ice cream - the most effective options for losing weight

Diet on ice cream - this is not a joke, not an evil rally of unfortunate sweet tooth. Such a diet has existed for a long time and successfully helps to lose excess weight. Some believe it was first tested by Uma Thurman. Currently, this diet is very beloved and in demand by many ladies who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms in a sparing way.

Is it possible to eat ice cream on a diet?

It is difficult to lose weight due to the fact that diets are usually associated with a proper, but very tasteless diet. Unsalted fish, boiled meat, and even dream about ice cream with weight loss is not necessary. However, if you approach with the mind, on such a pleasant diet you can lose weight. At the same time, food does not accumulate in the stomach, and its volume will even decrease. Nutritionists advise to arrange a summer Ice Cream Day, but not more often than twice a week. What kind of ice cream you can eat on a diet:

  1. Natural.
  2. Low-calorie.
  3. No nuts, chocolate and waffle cups.

Diet on ice cream for weight loss

Some researchers deny the damage to the ice cream for the figure

  1. A reasonable amount helps burn fat.
  2. In a good ice cream simply wonderful composition.

The use of ice cream when losing weight is determined by:

  1. The presence in it of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and fatty acids. Metabolism with such a diet is accelerated and excess fluid is excreted.
  2. Improves digestion, because ice cream treats dysbiosis.
  3. Ice cream is made with milk, so calcium is present in significant quantities.
  4. To assimilate cold foods, the body has to work hard and spend more energy.
  5. Ice cream hardens the throat.
  6. Not for the night! Ice cream for the night with a diet, and without diet, is fraught with narrowing of the vessels and heavy work of the stomach at night.

Diet on ice cream for 3 days

For three days, use only ice cream. Approximately 500 to 600 grams should be distributed 4 to 5 times a day. To keep a diet longer than 5 days it is impossible - the metabolism can slow down and the body will start to burn muscle mass. In addition, in ice cream there are not many nutrients that are required by the body. Milk ice cream for dinner can be replaced with a sorbet cooked independently. Fruits and berries replace or according to your taste, or those that are at home, remember the main thing - fruits should not be sweet. If everything is done correctly, one kilogram will be lost each day.

Mono-diet on ice cream - menu for three days.

  1. Breakfast : Plombir with berries (100 per 10 g).
  2. Second breakfast : milk ice cream with crushed apple (50 g).
  3. Lunch : milk ice cream (you can add dried apricots (150/30 g)).
  4. Snack : Plombir (100 g).
  5. Dinner : ice cream with kiwi (200 g).
  6. 2 and 3 day is similar to the first.

Diet of ice cream and alcohol

Anthony Howard-Crow from Colorado set up an experiment - one hundred days of the most monstrous diet of ice cream and a cocktail of bourbon with protein powder, while he trained hard to not lose muscle mass. Using ice cream with a protein diet, Anthony dropped 14.51 kg. However, it would not be entirely correct to talk here only about the ice cream diet. The essence of the experiment is, as Anthony himself says, that you can eat anything, the main thing is to spend a kilocalorie more than getting.

Ice cream for weight loss - recipe

Carefully study what is written on the package - the product should contain a minimum amount of dyes, sweeteners and other chemicals. What ice cream you can eat while losing weight:

  1. Dairy . Low fat content, low caloric content.
  2. Creamy . The name already says that the main ingredient is cream.
  3. Plombir is the most caloric, and it is better to refuse it.
  4. Fruit ice - a hard ice cream based on fruit or berry juice, not high in calories, but a lot of sugar.
  5. Sorbet - a soft mixture of natural frozen fruit purees - few calories, few sugars.

Dietary ice cream recipe with orange



  1. Slices of orange peel from the films.
  2. Add freshly squeezed orange juice .
  3. All pour yogurt and grind in a blender, adding honey.
  4. Ready mixture to send to the refrigerator for 3 hours, stirring every hour.

Sorbet - recipe



  1. Grind the mango in puree.
  2. Add mineral water.
  3. Freshly squeezed apple juice.
  4. Lemon juice.
  5. Freeze the dessert for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
  6. Beat 1 protein, combine with fruit juice and freeze again.