Symptoms of salmonella

Salmonellosis is an acute infectious disease, characterized by a violation of the functions of the digestive system and the damage to its organs. The causative agents of this disease are bacteria of the genus Salmonella. Most often, infection occurs through infected products, dirty water. Characteristic signs of salmonellosis include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen.

Sources of infection with salmonella

Carriers of salmonella can be bacteria infected products or a person who previously suffered this disease. The most common cause of salmonellosis is inadequate heat treatment of products of meat origin.

Children under one year have a significantly increased risk of infection from a person who is the carrier of the infection. Bacteria can get through utensils, objects, linen.

Symptoms of salmonellosis in adults

The duration of the incubation period can be from eight hours to three days. Often the symptoms manifest themselves a week after infection. The nature of the first signs of salmonellosis is due to the general intoxication of the body. They include:

Further development of the disease leads to the defeat of the digestive system. In this case, it is accompanied by such signs:

Signs of the disease of salmonellosis in children

The disease is most difficult to tolerate by children up to a year. Initially, the child refuses food, he has weakness, the temperature rises (to about 39 C). On the third day, he has diarrhea, while the stools have a greenish tinge. A week later, blood can be found in the stool.

If you do not show the child to the doctor in time, then this disease can end fatal. Therefore, if any signs of salmonellosis are found, call an ambulance.

Treatment of salmonellosis

Patients with salmonellosis are placed in the infectious department and prescribed antibiotics (levomycitin, polymyxin) and a special diet. Treatment is also aimed at replenishment of the lost volume of fluid in the body, by taking medications such as glucosan and rehydropon. To restore the functions of the digestive system, it is recommended to take mezim and festal.