Furuncle under armpit

Hair follicles tend to become inflamed when they get into pyogenic bacteria, usually staphylococcus and streptococcus. Therefore, the furuncle under the arm is a common phenomenon, more common among women due to regular epilation and depilation of this zone, the use of antiperspirants. It is necessary to tackle the therapy of suppuration in time, as it can cause inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes.

Causes and basics of treatment of a boil under a mouse

Suppuration in the follicle of the hair and the adjacent sebaceous gland is caused by bacteria. They multiply rapidly, provoking a congestion of a large amount of exudate, an increase in the volume of the inflammatory focus.

The causes of infection are usually:

Given that the furuncle is of a bacterial nature, the basis for the therapy of this pathology is the use of antibiotics and antiseptics. In some cases, the local conservative approach is not enough, and one has to resort to surgical intervention.

How can I treat a boil growing under my arm?

If the suppuration is weak and the inflammation site is small, you can try to get rid of the problem in question yourself.

Treatment of a boil under a mouse at an early stage of development at home:

1. Pay maximum attention to personal hygiene, often change bed and underwear.

2. Treat the inflammatory element with antiseptics:

3. Use painkillers (if necessary):

4. Apply compresses with antibacterial ointments. It helps to accelerate the ripening and opening of the ichthyol ulcer.

In the presence of large or multiple boils, a systematic intake of antibiotics is required ( Sumamed , Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin and others), so it is better to address the doctor initially, avoiding self-treatment.

How to cure a large and painful boil under the arm?

In some cases, drug therapy does not produce the expected effect and it is necessary to immediately open the abscess, clean it and treat the cavity with an antiseptic.

Such manipulations are performed only by the surgeon under local anesthesia. Extrude or scrape the boils alone is prohibited and dangerous.