Mantis - signs

In different Western countries they believed that these insects possess magical power. In the East mantises were considered very aggressive. Their images were placed on the arms of swords and shields, and precisely on those parts of them that were visible to the enemy. Chinese medicine attributes to praying mantises, or rather their eggs and discarded skins, healing properties. This opinion still exists.

Almost every insect people associated with otherworldly forces. And the signs about the mantis also exist among the people.

Signs associated with the mantis

  1. So, for example, if a mantis flew into the house and sat on the window, then this is definitely a good sign. The guest brought with him prosperity and health, rest assured. Also, according to some signs, if the mantis touched a man's paw, then soon this man will be cured of all his illnesses.
  2. If the mantis has sat down on a man, then this is a good sign - to a meeting with a new good person or to good news. If the person is frightened and shakes the mantis, then it is to break with someone very close and important.
  3. If an insect has landed on the head, then such a person is waiting for quick recognition and success. His strength and work will be appreciated.
  4. We need to give the insect as much time in the house as he wants. Only then will luck come to the house of the lucky one.
  5. A man who has killed a mantis unequivocally, according to all the beliefs, awaits misfortune and trouble. So, it's worth to be very careful when trying to remove this insect from yourself or take it out of the house.
  6. Also, do not leave the mantis in your apartment. It will be impossible to feed him anyway. A long hunger strike will lead to the death and drying of the poor insect. And to kill the mantis is unfortunately.
  7. To find a mantis in a garden or a garden is a good sign. You will soon have good news, if you believe the people. If we believe scientists-entomologists, then the harvest awaits also excellent. After all, mantises are predators, which will destroy harmful insects and larvae on the site. So it's a double benefit.
  8. If you met a praying mantis in the forest - you should not be frightened either. The people say that the praying mantis will show the way from the forest, because he always paws in the direction of getting out of the thicket.
  9. When meeting, do not touch the insect or somehow damage it. This will turn away luck from the person who has met the mantis.
  10. People believe that any meeting with a mantis one way or another is prophetic. After all, this insect is magical and endowed with prophetic powers.