Ingrown nail - treatment at home

The problem of ingrown nails sooner or later arises in many people. And, as a rule, instead of turning to a specialist, they rush to get rid of it at home. Fortunately, an ingrown nail can indeed be cured at home, but if there are no improvements within a week of self-treatment, it is worthwhile to contact the doctor for treatment correction.

Ingrown nail - reasons

Before you start to fight with ingrown nails, you need to understand why inflammation occurs. This will help to choose effective methods of treatment, as well as prevent relapses.

So, the probability of the ingrown nail arises if:

As a rule, the combination of several factors leads to ingrowing of the nail, therefore, to cure and prevent relapses, all possible causes leading to the formation of an ingrown nail should be eliminated.

Ingrown nail - treatment with folk remedies

How to treat at home ingrown nail tells folk medicine, because this is one of those rare diseases that can be successfully cured at home. Consider several tools that can be effective.

How to get rid of ingrown nails with the help of sea salt?

If pus has not yet formed in the area of ​​inflammation, then steaming can help. Salt is a natural antiseptic, and in combination with high water temperature it is able to destroy bacteria. If the finger has already begun to pick up, then steaming is prohibited. So, for steaming, you need the following tools:

These ingredients must be mixed, and wait until the salt dissolves. Then put the finger in the solution for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, the nail corner is carefully cut and treated with alcohol.

Vishnevsky ointment from an ingrown nail

If due to ingrown nails already formed pus, solve the problem will help the famous ointment Vishnevsky. Its only drawback - a sharp smell, but it is very effective in purulent inflammation.

So, if the fingernail grows into a finger, then the treatment with a compress will help. To do this, you need:

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply to the cotton pad the ointment of Vishnevsky, and attach it to the site of inflammation.
  2. Then attach the cellophane from above, so that the ointment does not permeate through the bandage - it has a bright brown color. And it can stain things. Then wind the bandage on your finger to fix the compress.
  3. This procedure is done at night, and in the morning the compress is removed, and the inflammation is treated with alcohol. Do it until the pus comes out.

How to remove an ingrown nail with the help of alum?

Burned alum with ingrown nails can also be effective, since they help the upper layer of coarse skin to fall off. Along with alum, you need to use one more remedy - either Levomikol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

In the daytime, the skin of an ingrown nail should be sprinkled with alum powder, and at night, compress with ointment Levomikol or Vishnevsky. Within a week the coarsened skin should disappear, and then it will be possible to remove the overgrown nail.

If within a week there is no improvement, you should contact a surgeon who will help remove the ingrown nail .