Warming of the socle with penokleksom

The base is one of the most vulnerable parts of the building. Therefore, its insulation should be given special attention. After all, this will depend on the comfort temperature both in the house itself and in its basement. For warming and protection of the socle, it is better to use a penokleks that possesses increased moisture resistance and excellent thermal insulation properties. Let's look at how you can conduct the warming of the socle with penoplex by yourself.

Warming of the base of the house from the outside with penokleksom

For works we need such materials and tools:

  1. Before the beginning of work on the insulation of the socle with foam, you need to dig a trench around the house to the depth of the foundation. Its width should be about 1 meter.
  2. The plinth must be cleaned of dirt and dust. If necessary, we level the walls using a cement mix.
  3. The next stage is waterproofing. To do this, you can use ruberoid, bitumen mastic or deep penetration waterproofing, such as, for example, penetron.
  4. The installation of a penoplex is best started from the corner of the building: it will be convenient to cut the material, and the layout will be made more qualitative.
  5. Using a trowel on the slab heater apply the adhesive mixture. After that, the notched trowel should be spread over the entire sheet. Now apply penoplex to the wall and hold it a little until the glue grabs.
  6. Places for joining plates must be glued with a self-adhesive tape. After that, the plates are fixed with dowels to tightly adhere the material to the wall.
  7. Now on the insulated walls of the socle is mounted with the use of cement mortar reinforcing mesh. After the cement has dried, the base of the building is ready for finishing.