Cracks on the heels - looking for hidden causes and fixing the problem

At a certain age, many people face cracks on the heels, causing unpleasant and painful sensations. The rough surface gives a lot of discomfort during walking, tearing pantyhose and looks very unattractive. There is such a problem not only because of wearing poor-quality, narrow and uncomfortable shoes, but also with various failures in the human body.

Hearts are cracking for good, what does the body signal?

Answering the question about why the heels crack, it should be said that this is a manifestation of age-related changes in the body, which are more often observed in women after 40 years. Another problem can be provoked by such diseases:

To exclude the disease, you will need to seek the advice of a specialist. When there are cracks on the heels, the reasons can be different. Often they are called:

The heels crack, what should I do?

Often, people who encounter such a nuisance are interested in the question of how to get rid of cracks on the heels. This problem rarely is an independent pathology, it indicates various abnormalities in the body (endocrine, skin, metabolic, immune). Therefore, the elimination of the disease should begin with a visit to specialists, a complete examination of the body, the delivery of the necessary tests:

Based on the results of the tests, you will need to undergo a course of comprehensive therapeutic treatment to get rid of the disease. If the problem has arisen for other reasons, then cracks on the heels can be tried to eliminate in the salons or at home on their own. To do this, use:

Cracks on the heels - treatment at home

Patients are interested in the question, if the heels crack, what should I do at home? Initially you need to try:

If the cracks on the legs are deep, then you can try to glue them with medical superglue BF6. This product is safe, sold in pharmacies without prescriptions and approved by dermatologists. Wash your feet, dry and apply a few drops to the problem areas, and then wait 5 minutes. The drug binds the edge of the wound together, so they quickly tightened.

Ointment from cracks on the heels

If you have this problem, then you need to soften the feet as often as possible with special means, which you need to use in a complex way until the full recovery. Asking the question: what means from cracks on the heels will suit you, it is necessary to consider the degree of defeat, individual characteristics of the organism, propensity to allergies and personal preferences.

The drug should be applied massaging movements before going to bed with a thin layer on clean feet until completely absorbed. The following ointments can be distinguished for effective control of problem areas:

  1. Balmamed - is made on the basis of glycerin, provitamin B5 and lactic acid.
  2. Radevit - it includes emulsion wax and vitamins A, D2, E. The agent accelerates the regeneration of the skin and relieves inflammation.
  3. Lamisil is an antifungal drug that has healing and restorative properties.

Cream from cracks on the heels

In the initial stages it is necessary to use a mask and foot cream from cracks on the heels. These funds are intended for:

Cream for heels from cracks can have different structure, composition and indications. The most popular means are:

Vitamins from cracks on the heels

When the heels crack, you should think about the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Drink their course, and appoints a doctor. The composition should include zinc, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and so on. You can identify such drugs:

Folk remedies for cracks on the heels

If you are interested in how to heal cracks on the heels, then you can prepare yourself compresses that will nourish, protect and moisturize the skin of the legs. Apply the solution on the feet and wrap them with polyethylene, and on top put on cosmetic socks. After removing the bandage, apply a greasy product to the problem areas. Try the following folk recipes:

  1. Take 2 onion bulbs and pass through the press, add a teaspoon of soda. Undress your legs and apply the prepared gruel to the feet.
  2. Cut 2 small apples, add 200 ml of milk and a teaspoon of soda. Blend the mixture on a fire, cook until the formation of gruel and cool. Then apply all this in a thick layer to the problem areas and leave for an hour and a half.
  3. Rub 3 medium potatoes on a fine grater, wrap in bandage or gauze and attach to cracks for 2 hours.
  4. A few stalks of aloe cut into small pieces to form a gruel. After that, wrap it in gauze and fix it on the problem areas of the foot, leave the compress for the night.
  5. Undo the legs in water, and then put on cotton socks, which must be impregnated with warm vegetable oil.

Trays from cracks on the heels

When cracks appeared on the heels, the treatment can be supplemented with daily trays, which are very effective. It is necessary to perform such procedures systematically for a long time before bedtime until the epidermis is fully restored. Composition for them you can buy at the pharmacy (for example, harvesting herbs) or cook yourself.

Answering the question about how to cure cracks on the heels, one can say about such popular recipes:

  1. In a liter of hot water, dilute a tablespoon of starch. Lower your feet for half an hour.
  2. Sea salt is mixed with soda, in a proportion of 10: 1, pour the mixture with water and mix until completely dissolved. Stop holding for 15-20 minutes.
  3. A tablespoon of linden blossoms, pour 200 ml of dry red wine, then bring it to a boil and dilute with a liter of water. Lower the feet for 10 minutes, then wipe them with a towel and rinse well with a washcloth. Then return the legs back to the bath, repeat the procedure 3-5 times.