Phosphalugel - analogues

Phosphalugel is a popular drug. It is always in the home of people suffering from persistent stomach problems. It will not hurt to put Fosfalugel or his counterpart in the first aid kit and completely healthy people - for every fireman, as they say.

Indications for use of Phosphalugel

This medicine is an excellent antacid. Fosfalugel quickly reduces the level of acidity of the stomach, relieving pain and discomfort. The medicine works very quickly and harmlessly, therefore it is prescribed for adults and children.

The main indications for the use of Phosphalugel and its analogs are as follows:

Which is better - Almagel or Fosfalugel?

Although Fosfalugel is considered a drug harmless and suitable for almost any organism, people quite often resort to the use of analogues of the drug. Fortunately, generic drugs and full-fledged analogues of Phosphalugel in pharmacies are presented in sufficient quantities today.

Almagel is one of the most popular competitors of Phosphalugel. To say unequivocally what is better - Almagel or Fosfalugel, is difficult. The compositions of these drugs are completely identical, the effect of their use is also the same. The only difference is in consistency. Phosphalugel is a gel-like preparation more suitable for long-term treatment, and Almagel is practically ideal for small patients.

Other analogues of the preparation are Fosfalugel

There are other analogues of Phosphalugel:

  1. Almagel A is one of the most popular analogues of Phosphalugel. This is a good analgesic. The drug is best suited for the treatment of severe pain.
  2. Choosing what to replace Fosfalugel with strong bloating and excessive gas formation , preference can be given to Almagel Neo .
  3. A good analog is Gasterin . The medication perfectly copes with stomach ulcers and digestive problems caused by medications.
  4. Alfogel is another wonderful antacid. Like Fosfalugel, the product reliably protects the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping it with a special film.
  5. Aluminum phosphate quickly removes toxins and normalizes the general condition.

Recently, serious competition for Fosfalugel and Almagel is Maalox. This suspension is based on magnesium and aluminum hydroxide.