What is morality in modern society and what are its functions?

Everyone even unconsciously knows what morality is. Psychologists believe that this is the identification of the free will of each individual, based on certain principles and morals. From the moment we take the first, independent decision, in each personal and moral qualities begin to be formed.

What is morality?

The modern concept of "morality" is presented to each person in its own way, but carries the same meaning. Formation of internal ideas and decisions in the subconscious originates from it, and on it the social position is built. The society in which we live is used to dictate our rules, but this does not mean that everyone is obliged to follow them, because everyone has the right to be a person.

Often people choose a partial deviation from their moral values, in favor of the template and live their own life by another's example. This leads to some disappointments, because you can lose the best years in finding yourself. Proper upbringing from a very young age gives a great imprint on the future destiny of man. Given that such morality, you can identify some of the qualities inherent in it:

Morality and Moral Values

Our society increasingly began to believe that moral values are a relic of the past. To achieve their goals, many go on their heads and such actions completely contradict the old times. Such a society can not be called healthy and it is possible, it is doomed to a meaningless existence. Fortunately, not all fall into the social funnel and honest and decent still remains the majority.

Being in the search for the meaning of life, a person forms his character, and also brings up high morality. Everything that parents have grown in a person can eventually disappear or change in any direction. The surrounding world corrects the old values, perception and, in general, the attitude towards oneself and people, to create a comfortable existence. Now spiritual changes are taking place with the desire to earn more money and become financially independent.

Morality in Psychology

Both ordinary philistines and psychologists have their own notions of morality, from their point of view, which can be completely different and never intersect, even if very similar. Each of the subspecies originates in the inner world of man, his upbringing and values. The human psyche is divided by specialists into two societies, each of which pursues its goal:

  1. Collective values ​​are herd instincts that can unite with their world against others.
  2. Compassionate values ​​- are based on caring for the neighbor, for the benefit of any society.

Any objective morality is determined to find oneself as a socially secured, formed person. Psychologists believe that a person from birth is defined in the first or second subgroup, but they are controlled by individuals who live with him and educate him. In the process of growing up and self-perceptions of the world, re-education rarely occurs. If this does happen, then people who have changed themselves have a very high spirit and can go through any difficulties without changing themselves.

What is the difference between morality and morality?

Many argue that morality and morality are synonyms, but this is a delusion. Morality is considered to be a system established by society, regulating the relationship of people. Morality, however, implies adherence to its principles, which may differ from the attitudes of society. In other words, moral qualities give a person a society, and the moral establishes character and personal psychology.

Morality Moral
A specific sphere of culture in which high ideals and strict norms that regulate the behavior and consciousness of a person in various areas of public life are concentrated and generalized The principles of real practical behavior of people, in which the severity of high moral standards is significantly relaxed, that is, a more "everyday", "mundane" meaning is put into this concept
What should be, what should a man strive for (the world of due) Practically practiced norms that a person encounters in everyday social life (the world of being)

Functions of morality

Since the morality of man is a phenomenon of social and spiritual life, it must mean by itself some functions that people perform alternately. Without knowing it, these tasks always occur in any modern society and, fortunately, are beneficial. Refusal of them entails loneliness and isolation, in addition to the inability to actively develop.

  1. Regulatory.
  2. Cognitive.
  3. Educational.
  4. Estimated.

Each of them is considered a goal and an opportunity for spiritual growth and development. Given that such a morality, existence without these functions is completely impossible. Society helps to develop and grow only to those individuals who can control the opportunities that generate these goals. There is no need to specially learn them, all actions are automatic, in most cases for the benefit.

Rules of morality

There are many rules that characterize morality, and we follow them, almost without noticing it. Acting at the subconscious level, a person brings to the world his mood, achievements, victories and much more. Such formulations very densely embody that which means morality, in all its incarnations. Relations in the world should be based on reciprocity, for a comfortable existence.

Accepting these conditions, a person can learn to be kinder, more sociable and more responsive, and a society consisting of such people will be like an ideal. Some countries achieve this situation, and they significantly reduce the number of crimes, children's homes are closed as unnecessary and so on. In addition to the golden rule, you can take into account other, such as:

How does the "golden" rule of morality sound?

The basis of peace and culture is the golden rule of morality, which sounds like: do to people as you would like, what would have been done to you or, do not do to others what you do not want to get yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone can follow this, and this increases the number of crimes and aggression in society. The rule tells people how to behave in any situation, just ask yourself the question, how would you like? Most importantly, the solution of the problem is not dictated by society, but by the person himself.

Morality in modern society

Many believe that the morality and morality of modern society has now fallen dramatically. Ahead of the whole planet are material values that turn people into a herd. In fact, you can achieve a high financial position without losing morality, the main ability to think widely and not be limited to templates. Much depends on education.

Modern children practically do not know the word "no". Getting everything you want from an early age, a person forgets about independence and loses respect for the elders, and this is the fall of morality. In order to try to change something in the world, it is necessary to start with yourself and only then will there be a hope for a revival of morality. Following good rules and teaching them their own children, a person can gradually change the world beyond recognition.

Education of morality

This is a necessary process of modern society. Knowing how morals are formed, one can fully hope for the happy future of our children and grandchildren. Impact on the human personality of people who are considered to be authorities for him, form in him a kind of qualities that maximally affect his future fate. It is worth remembering that upbringing is only the initial stage of becoming an individual, in the future, a person is able to make his own decisions.

Spirituality and morality

Two absolutely different concepts very often intersect each other. The essence of morality lies in good deeds, respect and so on, but no one knows what they are doing for. Spiritual kindness means not only good deeds and behavior, but also the purity of the inner world. Morality is visible to all and everyone, unlike spirituality, which is something sacred and personal.

Morality in Christianity

A similar combination of two concepts, but all with the same different meaning. Morality and religion set common goals, where in one case there is the freedom to choose actions, and in the other, complete submission to the rules of the system. Christianity has its own moral goals, but it is forbidden to deviate from them, as in any other faith. Therefore, turning to one of the religions, one must accept their rules and values.