"Green soap" against pests - instruction

"Green soap", used for processing indoor and garden plants, is one of the few environmentally friendly products of industrial production. With its help, flower growers are successfully fighting with spider mite , aphids and other harmful insects. Let's find out what is included in the "Green Soap" for plants and how to apply it correctly.

Green soap for plants - instruction

So, the composition of this product includes potassium salts of fatty acids, vegetable oils and natural fats, as well as water.

According to the instruction, "Green soap" from pests is used not only to combat already appeared insects, but also for preventive purposes. In the latter case, the prevention schedule is as follows: spraying is done three times, with a break every 7 days.

Processing of plants "Green soap" is made as follows:

  1. Shake the bottle with the drug to raise the natural sediment from the bottom.
  2. Prepare the working solution by mixing the right amount of soap with water. Usually 200-300 g of the drug is used per 10 liters of water. The greater the proportion, the stronger the healing effect will be. By the way, in 1 tablespoon exactly 50 g of "Green soap" is placed.
  3. Against fungal diseases a mixture of two solutions is used: 10 liters of water and 200 g of soap + 2 liters of water and 25 g of copper sulfate. They need to be prepared in different containers, and then mixed.
  4. For spraying trees in early spring, use an emulsion: 40-50 g of "Green Soap" are dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is cooled to 50 ° C, and 2 liters of kerosene are poured into it. This emulsion has a consistency of sour cream and is stored for several days.

The soap solution is often sprayed with flowers after using insecticides. It is permissible to add "Green soap" to pesticide preparations, more precisely, to their working solutions, to enhance their effectiveness. Often add soap and to folk remedies - broths and infusions. Do not combine spraying with soap and phytohormones, as well as fertilizers.