Processing onions before planting soda

Preseeding preparation is an important condition for good seed ripening. This applies to many cultures, is not an exception and onions. Usually, its seeds are soaked in a solution of copper sulfate or another antiseptic for the purpose of decontamination. To prevent rotting bulbs use a solution of wood ash or phytosporin.

But it is not uncommon to find unjustified advice. And truck farmers, especially beginners, rely on them in the hope of obtaining a good harvest. For example, one of these tips says that before planting it is desirable to carry out the processing of onions with soda, soaking the sieve in it. In this case, we mean an aqueous solution in the proportion of a teaspoon of soda per liter of water. To understand what will give the plant such a procedure, let's find out how and why it is suggested to soak onions in soda.

Why do I need soda for onion-seedling?

So, there is an erroneous opinion that before planting, the onion should be soaked in soda, so that it does not catch fire. The arming leads to the fact that the plant will give all the power to flowering, and the root itself will grow small. The onion is shot because of improper storage, if the temperature in the room during the winter was too low. During this period, flower buds are laid in the bulbs, which begin to develop in the spring. And blocking their development is a substance such as soda, is unlikely to help: this requires that the plant develops hormones of temperature stress.

You can achieve this goal with the help of hot water. 2-3 hours before planting, soak the bulbs in hot water, but not in boiling water. The temperature will be 45-50 ° C. Instead, you can also warm the planting material near the heater for several days. This method is much more effective than pre-planting onion-seeding with a solution of soda.