How to remove the chewing gum from jeans?

Such a nuisance, like adhering to the clothing chewing gum, can happen to each of us. This can happen in transport or in any other public place. Of course, it's quite unpleasant to detect the chewing gum attached to your favorite clothes, and the faster you get rid of it, the better. But what to do if the cud is stuck, say, to the jeans ?

Let's look at some effective methods for removing chewing gum from jeans.

How easy is it to clean jeans from chewing gum?

  1. The easiest way to get rid of stuck gum is cold. Arriving home, put your jeans in a cellophane bag and put it for 20-30 minutes into the freezer. Then remove and pick the cud from the fabric.
  2. If you get home soon, you can do the opposite: attach something cold to the affected jeans (an ice bag or any frozen food). After a while, try to clean the fabric - under the influence of cold gum crumbles and you will not be able to completely clean the thing.
  3. A third way of cleaning is also connected with cold. In pharmacies and sports shops are sold special sprays, designed to cool and anesthetize the injured parts of the body. Spray a small amount of such a spray onto the soiled surface of the jeans. As a rule, they have a momentary effect, so you can immediately start cleaning jeans from chewing gum.
  4. The mechanical method is no less simple. To do this, you, oddly enough, will need another chewing gum. Razhzhuyte new plate gum, and then, pressing it to the gum on your jeans, try to remove the last from the fabric. After the mechanical cleaning on the jeans, there may be a stain that can easily be washed in the machine.
  5. Solvents are another method that you can resort to. The use of acetone, white spirit, gasoline, vinegar, alcohol and other aggressive substances will certainly help you cope with the chewing gum on your jeans. However, at the same time you risk discolouring the fabric, and then the thing will be hopelessly corrupted. To avoid this, apply as little as possible on the fabric solvent, and then scrape off the cud from the fabric. After this treatment it is desirable to immediately wash your jeans to get rid of the unpleasant odor. However, keep in mind that the use of solvents is acceptable only for thick, coarse denim fabric.
  6. Remove the chewing gum can be and with iron, and do it, too, should be extremely careful. You should iron the jeans through thick paper or cotton fabric, otherwise the elastic can melt and crouch deep into the jeans. In this case, as practice shows, you can clean the cud from jeans only with dry cleaning.