Fertilizers for indoor plants

If your favorite indoor flowers began to drop leaves, or become pale, remember when you last used them. After all, for the development of the plant, in addition to water and sunlight, a variety of macro- and microelements are needed. For example, nitrogen is needed by the plant during its active growth, magnesium promotes the accumulation of chlorophyll in the leaves. Without sulfur, the metabolism of the plant is impaired. And phosphorus and potassium are necessary for beautiful flowering.

Types of fertilizers for indoor plants

On sale there is a huge variety of different fertilizing for plants, and to choose among all this is exactly what you need your flower, it is quite difficult.

  1. To begin with, it is better to focus on a universal fertilizer for indoor plants. With its help, you can feed any kind of home colors. The composition of this fertilizer includes all the elements necessary for the plant in equal quantities.
  2. For fertilizing indoor plants, liquid fertilizers are often used. This is a solution of high concentration, so dilution is required for use. These fertilizers for houseplants, in turn, are divided into two subspecies:
    • Organic, made from residues of plants and animals; they act gently and durably, not burning the roots of a houseplant;
    • mineral, manufactured artificially, have an accurate dosage, act very quickly, the result can be observed after a few days, but can cause burns of the plant in case of improper application.
  3. There are highly concentrated soluble fertilizers in the form of powders, which are diluted before use. For ease of use, many soluble fertilizers are sold prepackaged in bags, the contents of which are dissolved in one liter of water.
  4. There are fertilizers in the form of a candle, which must be stuck in the ground near the wall of the pot. During irrigation, the fertilizer in a candle, it dissolves and gets into the soil mixture. Such feeding takes place within two months. However, such a fertilizer is distributed unevenly in the earth.
  5. For some houseplants, such as orchids, deciduous fertilizers are sold. These are soluble or liquid top dressings, which should be sprayed from the spray to the plant leaves.
  6. There are also so-called standard fertilizers: for flowering indoor plants and for stimulating the development of stems and leaves in non-flowering plants. This method is quite effective, since each type of fertilizing is intended for a particular kind of plant.