Crafts of the cock for the New Year

Pre-holiday fuss leaves very little time for creativity, but how without it on the eve of the holiday. After all, toys, gifts, room decor made with own hands are magnificent things that will help create the right atmosphere and a wonderful mood for all family members. Particularly need children of this kind. Thematic handmade, namely the rooster craft for the New Year are simple in execution, do not require certain skills and costs. Let's look at some original ideas and draw up a detailed description of the manufacturing process.

How to make a fake rooster for the New Year?

Children are very familiar with this domestic, but at the same time obstinate bird. Cockerel is a positive hero of many fairy tales and stories, so the idea to make your favorite character will be liked by children. You can make a fake for the New Year from paper, for work it is better to use bright shades and unusual ornaments.

Perfect room decor or toy for the child will be such a wonderful cockerel:

Consider the execution scheme:

  1. So, first we need a template, which we will print and cut out later.
  2. Next, we glue the components together.
  3. And in the end, we will decorate our bird.
  4. No less original looks like a bright cockerel, which can do even a preschooler.
  5. For manufacturing we need color paper, glue, a piece of plasticine, scotch tape and two toothpicks.
  6. Cut out a circle and colored strips of paper.
  7. Now we will glue the bird with a beak, a beautiful tail and wings.
  8. We attach the legs, and we can consider our work ready.

More complex in performance are the voluminous crafts of the cock for the New Year, with the example of the next masterpiece, we will see that this is not so:

  1. We prepare a small scrap of cotton fabric and a pair of pieces of felt red and yellow.
  2. Cut out a rectangle from the fabric and fold it in half, from the felt we cut out details - a comb, a beak, a small beard.
  3. Sew a rectangle around the perimeter, not forgetting to insert the details into their places. Leave not one-sided only.
  4. We will pour the resulting "bag" of cereals.
  5. Sweep and stitch the last seam, as shown in the photo.

Strangely enough, but to make a fake craft for the New Year, you can from the most "unexpected" improvised means. So your application can be found even plain-looking, at first glance, a box of eggs:

  1. Cut off the necessary part from the box.
  2. Let's paint it, the resulting torso.
  3. Cut out a scallop and a beak, draw eyes
  4. Next, we fantasize and add to the craft.

And now we will consider some more original ideas on the theme of making a New Year's symbolic craft.

Felt - a great material, kids and needlewomen make wonderful males from it. You can use such crafts as Christmas-tree toys, small presents for relatives and friends.

The crafting of a cock from a bottle by the New Year will impress everyone, but it will not only work for the child, but also for the parents, to work on creating such a masterpiece. Such an original bird will be an alternative to creative work for a kindergarten or school.

Real craftsmen will not be difficult to weave a beautiful cockerel from beads. A little zeal and skill and a wonderful souvenir for the holiday is ready.

Paper handicrafts can be very diverse, for example, such a wonderful cockerel will become a wonderful room decor by the New Year. The work is easy to manufacture, even kindergarten students can cope with it. Picture 17