Growth and other parameters Colin Firth

Sex symbol, monogamy and family man - that's how you can characterize the famous British actor Colin Firth. His versatile and talented game can be seen today in many famous Hollywood films. Firth masterfully reincarnates from the strict and elegant Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" in the ready to fight for his love desperate Mark in the film "Diary of Bridget Jones." Nevertheless, in life, the actor is characterized by such qualities as restraint and poise. Despite the fact that Colin was twice married, he never aspired to become macho and heartthrob in a female environment. Perhaps, it is these features that attracted many fans to the personality of the actor. And that's why, celebrity personal details with British roots have become one of the most frequently asked questions. Our article is devoted to the growth and weight of Colin Firth.

What is the height of Colin Firth?

After the release of the first part of the "Bridget Jones Diary" Colin Firth entered the list of 50 most beautiful men in the world according to People magazine. Then many people noticed that in addition to a talented game, the actor has an interesting appearance. Smartness and harmony - these are the qualities that distinguish Colin against the many celebrities of Hollywood. So, Colin Firth's height is 187 centimeters.

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Despite the fact that the actor's weight could be proportionally less, his 80 kilograms do not make the figure formless. At 56, Firth looks more than good. He is still in good shape. Unlike many of their peers, Colin still has no obvious wrinkles and gray hair. And the classic casual style of the actor only gives him freshness and elegance . Note that Colin Firth prefers stylish suits from famous brands. Probably, the preference for this trend in clothing contributed to the English roots of the actor.