Symptoms of mastopathy in women

Fibro-cystic disease (or mastopathy) is currently a fairly common disease, especially in women aged 30-50 years. For the post-menopausal period, this condition is not characteristic.

Very often at the onset of the disease, there are no symptoms of mastopathy in women. The patient does not feel any unpleasant sensations, and the presence of a pathological process is revealed by chance, during routine medical examination. In this regard, all women need to regularly undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands , and also to feel the chest for the appearance of tumors.

Symptoms of fibrocystic disease

The first signs of mastopathy can be recognized and at home. Most of the time, the patients are not worried about a very strong painful sensation, mainly in the upper part of the chest, but it can also be sucked into the arm or shoulder. Such pain can be felt constantly, but in most cases it appears only on certain days of the cycle. And the chest will hurt especially a few days before the start of menstruation, this is due to the increase in estrogen in the blood of a woman during this period.

Next, let us consider what other signs and symptoms the patient observes in breast mastopathy.

As a rule, in the area of ​​the mammary glands discomfort, swelling, tension, and chest becomes very sensitive. All this can be accompanied by increased fatigue, nervousness, headache and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

In addition, from the nipples may appear discharge, as the lungs, arising only with pressure, and quite abundant. The nature of the secretions can be completely different - they can be transparent or greenish, white, brownish and even bloody. Particular attention, of course, should be turned on the blood emerging from the nipple, because this can be as a manifestation of the symptoms of mastopathy of the breast, and even more serious diseases.

In any case, if you have found one or more of the above signs, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible to conduct a full range of examinations. In some situations, a breast biopsy will be required to exclude cancer and other serious diseases. With timely access to a doctor, mastopathy successfully succumbs to conservative treatment and does not cause great concern to the patient.