What does lichen in children look like?

Despite the fact that lichen is a common disease, not all mothers know how it looks in children. Under this disease we mean a whole series of cutaneous, highly contagious diseases, which are transmitted predominantly through a contact and household way. In most cases, this disease affects people with reduced immunity and children.

What is the cause of development depriving children?

As already mentioned above, several varieties of lichen are distinguished. In this case, everything depends on the type of pathogen in each specific case.

In most cases, the development of this disease lead to microscopic fungi, as well as viruses. It is accepted to distinguish the following types of pathogens:

How is lichen in children?

In order to determine the deprivation of her child, the mother must know what it looks like. Characteristic signs that allow this diagnosis are:

  1. Violation of skin pigmentation in a child. In this case, depending on the variety of lichen, patches, peeling, and even darkening appear on the skin. All this is often accompanied by the appearance of pruritus, in consequence of which a short time on the baby's skin appear raschesy.
  2. Hair loss. In cases when the scalp affects the scalp, moms notice this immediately after hair loss. This is observed with ringworm is one of its main features. With this type of disease, the difficulties associated with how to find out what a child has deprive, as a rule, moms do not arise.

How to avoid infection?

A major role in the treatment of almost all dermatological diseases is prevention. Is no exception and deprive. In order to avoid infection, it is enough for mother to observe only a few simple rules:

  1. Avoid contact with homeless animals.
  2. After each walk, wash the baby's hands thoroughly and with soap.
  3. At the first signs of skin damage, consult a dermatologist.

Thus, knowing how to recognize the lichen in a child and prevent it from appearing, the mother will be able to protect her offspring from this disease.