Hair loss in women - causes and treatment

Thick, shiny and healthy hair is the dream of every girl and woman. And it's not surprising. Since ancient times, luxurious hair was considered a sign of health. The cause of sudden hair loss can be some kind of malfunction in the body or the onset of the disease. It should be noted that the loss of up to a hundred hairs per day is considered to be the norm. If you notice that the hair is literally pouring from your head - it's time to turn to a trichologist. Diffuse and focal alopecia are distinguished.

Causes and treatment of diffuse hair loss in women

Intensive and uniform hair loss throughout the surface of the head in medicine is called diffuse allopecia. The greatest amount of hair falls out during the process of washing the head and combing it. This is due to the fact that the hair roots weaken and easily fall out at the slightest physical impact.

Among the causes of hair loss in women, the most common are the following:

Intensive hair loss can begin several weeks after the onset of one or more of these problems.

Special treatment of diffuse allopecia does not require, since the hair root itself is not damaged, and the hair will begin to grow after elimination of the underlying cause.

After resuming normal hair growth in a woman and eliminating the causes of hair loss, you can take advantage of folk medicine:

  1. Rinsing hair with decoctions of herbs from chamomile flowers, oak bark, nettle leaves.
  2. Use masks for hair from onion juice, capsicum, cumin oil, mustard, honey and aloe.
  3. You can lubricate the scalp with sunflower oil and / or propolis tincture.
  4. Daily rinse hair with a decoction of pine branches.
  5. Mask of egg yolk and sea buckthorn oil perfectly helps to strengthen the weakened roots of hair.
  6. Before washing hair, you can apply sour milk on the scalp and hold for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Massage of the head with salt helps stimulate hair growth, however, it is necessary to approach this radical method of combating hair loss very carefully.

If the hair began to drop out suddenly and quite intensively, special attention should be paid to the work of the thyroid gland. Diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can cause problems. It is important to pass all the necessary tests and start treatment in time to restore the thyroid function, thus eliminating the cause of hair loss in women. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

Causes and treatment of focal hair loss in women

Focal alopecia is a type of baldness that is chronic. An inflammatory disease, the causes, the origin of which is not fully understood. Baldness can begin suddenly and just as suddenly stop. Foci of alopecia are more often round in shape, can grow to large sizes. This disease does not pose a direct threat to health, but the sudden loss of hair in women, alternating with the resumption of their growth, can cause deep depression and self-isolation of the patient. After all, this pathology has a pronounced cosmetic defect.

Methods of treatment of focal alopecia have a strictly individual approach:

  1. Provision of psychological assistance.
  2. Complex selection of medicines, in the form of tablets and ointments.
  3. Treatment of chronic diseases that the patient is ill.
  4. Appointment of sedatives and sedatives.

To treat this type of hair loss, women are often prescribed vitamins and mineral complexes with zinc content. Sometimes the effect comes only 3 months after the start of treatment.