Meat under the fur coat

"Meat under a fur coat" - a dish that will become a real decoration of any table. It looks incredibly appetizing, beautiful and just melts in the mouth. Try to prepare it yourself, following our recommendations.

Recipe for meat under a fur coat



For the preparation of meat under a cheese coat, the pork is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into small pieces. Then we slice each slice and sprinkle it with spices. Vegetables are processed and sliced: onion - semirings, tomatoes - circles, garlic - plates, and potatoes and cheese shred on a large grater. Now take the form for baking, smear it with oil and lay the meat on the bottom. Sprinkle it on top with onions and garlic and distribute evenly a layer of grated potatoes. After that, spread tomatoes, cover with mayonnaise and sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese and chopped greens. We send the meat under a fur coat to a preheated oven and bake for 55 minutes. As a side dish we serve salad from fresh vegetables.

Baked meat under a fur coat in the oven



Pork washed, dried, cut into thick slices and beat well. In a large bowl, pour the flour into the can, throw salt, ground pepper and mix. We take a frying pan, pour oil into it and reheat it. Now roll the meat in the previously prepared breading mixture and fry it from two sides to half ready. After that, we spread it into the mold and set it aside. Without losing time, we warm up the oven and rub cheese on a large grater. Mayonnaise is mixed with most of the cheese, leaving a little for sprinkling. Wash tomatoes, wipe and cut into slices. When everything is ready, we begin to collect the dish: put the tomatoes on meat, cover it with plenty of mayonnaise sauce and sprinkle cheese on top. We send the form to a hot oven and bake for 20 minutes, until the appearance of a beautiful cheese crust.

How to cook meat under a potato coat in a frying pan?



The meat is washed and dried on a towel. Then cut it in small portions and beat off with a kitchen hammer, wrapping first in a plastic bag. Sliced ​​slices salted to taste, pepper and leave to soak for 15 minutes. In the meantime, we clean the bulb, shred it with small cubes, and rinse the fresh greens, shake it and chop it up finely. Potatoes are cleaned, rinsed, rubbed on the largest grater and squeezed from the secreted juice. Add to it a chicken egg, chopped onions, chopped greens and add salt to taste. Thoroughly mix everything and spread half the vegetable mass on top of the chops, leveling with a fork. Fry the frying pan with vegetable oil, heat well and lay the prepared meat pieces with a greased side down. The remaining potato mass is laid out from above and equally evenly distributed. Slightly press the chops from above and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Carefully turn them over to the other side and brown them until ready. Ready meat in a potato coat is served to the table with fresh vegetables.