Hairstyles with screwed hair

It so happened that the owners of luxurious curls more than anything in the world dream of straightening them, and girls with straight hair to what methods alone do not resort to a head of hair. And not in vain! Hairstyles with wavy and twisted hair there is a lot. And they all look more than stylish.

Advantages of hairstyles with twisted hair

Unfortunately, the time for complex laying in the fair sex is not always enough. That's why we have to look for such variants of hairstyles that will look beautiful and time for laying will require a minimum.

Twisted hair looks beautiful in and of itself. Gathered in the hair, they do become a real work of art. One of the main advantages of stacking on twisted hair is its versatility. Hairstyles for medium and long winded hair are perfect for everyday wear, and for solemn outings.

Another undeniable plus is simplicity. Most hairstyles can easily be made at home on their own, spending no more than five minutes of precious time on it. That is why they have not gone out of fashion for several centuries, becoming more popular every day.

The most beautiful hairstyles with screwed hair

Neatly curled locks, in principle, can be worn loose or, hacking some of the strands on the back of the head. In the working environment, this in no way looks vulgar, but at the event, it captures the views of others.

If you loose hair to wear uncomfortable, you can make these hairstyles:

  1. The tail looks great on straight hair and curls. Gently pick up the hair on the crown and, if desired, complete the hair with a hoop . This, perhaps, is the fastest haircut possible. It can be simpler only with loose hair, picked up by a hoop, that looks fine on wound hair.
  2. Light hairstyles with twisted hair - in Greek style . They will need additional accessories: bandages, ribbons, crabs, hoops. Collect a magnificent mop of hair in a bun and fix it with a hoop. To gently and reliably fill the curls under the tape will require several workouts. But it's worth it - looks such a hairstyle is very exquisite.
  3. Simple enough haircuts with twisted hair can include elements of weaving. They look very intricate, in fact, there are options that will take only a few minutes to complete.