National Museum of Colombia

The National Museum of Colombia is the oldest and largest of all museums in the country. It is located in the capital of the state, Bogotá . The museum consists of four sections dedicated to art, history, archeology and ethnography.

A bit of history

The National Museum of Colombia is the oldest and largest of all museums in the country. It is located in the capital of the state, Bogotá . The museum consists of four sections dedicated to art, history, archeology and ethnography.

A bit of history

The building in which the museum is located was designed by the Danish architect Thomas Reed, and originally served as a prison.

Exposition of the museum

The basis of the collection of art objects was a collection of icons, collected by Simon Bolivar. In addition, here you can see works of art (paintings, drawings, engravings, sculptures, etc.) of work by both Colombian and European and American masters.

The archaeological department is dedicated to findings made during excavations in the territory of Colombia. The historical part of the museum contains many photographs, objects belonging to famous personalities. Here you can get acquainted with the way of life of the inhabitants of Colombia both in the pre-Hispanic period, and in the colonial, and after it, see household items, traditional clothes, dishes, restored interiors.

The most famous exhibit

The most famous and perhaps most popular exhibit is a piece of a meteorite that meets visitors in the very first hall. His "brethren" - other parts of the heavenly body that fell to Earth - are stored in other museums (including in British). Meteorite can not only be seen, but also touched, which usually enthralls the youngest visitors.

How to visit the National Museum of Colombia?

It works daily, except on Mondays. The ticket price is about $ 3. On weekends, admission is free, but you still need to contact the cashier and get a ticket there. Bags must be delivered to the storage room; if the tourist has some valuable things (for example, a laptop), they will necessarily be included in the inventory.

To reach the National Museum can be transmilenio - the underground metro. Go out at the Museo Nacional stop.