Stomatitis in the tongue - treatment in adults

Painful small ulcers and wounds on the surface of the tongue are a kind of stomatitis called glossitis. This disease has many different causes, including viral, bacterial and fungal lesions. It is important to know exactly why there was stomatitis in the language - the treatment in adults of this pathology is very dependent on the factors that provoked it.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults

Glossitis, as a rule, is a consequence of the progression of some diseases of internal organs and systems. Therefore, special attention should be given to the therapy of the root cause of aphthous stomatitis.

Symptomatic treatment of the disease consists in an integrated approach:

  1. Regular treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Stomatophyte, Miramistin, Romazulan).
  2. Application of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing preparations (Solcoseryl Denta, Holisal, oil mixture of vitamins A and E, Actovegin gel, ointment with calendula).
  3. In the treatment of herpetic stomatitis under the tongue, on the palatine arches and gums, the use of antiviral agents ( Cycloferon , Immunal, Viferon) is recommended. Also effective are local medications of a similar effect - Zovirax, Acyclovir.
  4. Treatment of mucous membranes by means of sprays (Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt).
  5. If a bacterial infection is attached, antimicrobials should be used (Metrogil Denta, Metronidazole, furacilin solution). Such treatment is prescribed for stomatitis on the tip of the tongue, the inner part of the lower lip, the surface of the cheeks.
  6. In the presence of ulcers of fungal origin, it is worth using the appropriate drugs (Nystatin, Miconazole, Clotrimazole).
  7. Allergic stomatitis involves taking antihistamine medications (Zirtek, Fenistil, Tavegil, Claritin in the form of drops).
  8. Be sure to drink vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of stomatitis of the tongue with folk remedies

Recipes of alternative medicine allow you to cope only with manifestations of the disease, but do not treat it.

Relieve pain and slightly dry aphthous ulcers, using these tips:

  1. Lubricate the wounds with tincture of propolis 50%.
  2. Apply a mixture of garlic paste and sour cream on erosion (1: 1).
  3. Rinse your mouth with a strong decoction of oak bark.
  4. Apply to ulcers 15% solution of borax and glycerin.
  5. At least 8 times a day, rinse the oral cavity with chamomile broth.