Heart line

The heart line is one of the main marks on the person's hand, telling about the so-called spiritual basis of a person's character. That is, along this line, you can tell about the characteristics of a person such as hope, idealism, faith, altruism, love, affection, artistic perception, inspiration, will, mysticism, concentration, desire for liking, ability to imitate, and frivolity.

Where is the line of the heart on the palm?

The line of the heart is located on the palm of the upper part of the arm right under the bumps of the bases of the fingers, starting under the little finger. Since this line along with the lines of life and mind is basic, it can not be absent in the palm of your hand. However, there are times when the line of the heart and the line of the mind are connected together. In this case, we can talk about the excitability of a person and the rejection of any restrictions. If such a line is long, passing through the entire palm, then it can indicate a person's mental retardation. The rare cases of the absence of the line of the heart are described in the old books on palmistry, where it is suggested that the person is extremely embittered, his unyielding will, and in the absence of this line on both hands, early death. A double line of the heart can point to an extremely caring person or talk about his emotional duality.

Types of line of the heart

There are different variants of the arrangement of the lines of the heart, the main ones of which we shall consider.

  1. A straight line of the heart that runs across the palm speaks of a sincere, kind and honest man.
  2. If the line of the heart leans down, ending on the Mount of Mars behind the life line, then it speaks of an irritable man, prone to quarreling and very demanding of everything relating to his attachments.
  3. With a line of the heart touching or connecting with the lines of the head or life, one can make the assumption that the person will be unhappy because of insufficient insight and excessive credulity. Such people often suffer from disappointments in those who are taken care of.
  4. The line that ends in the middle of the hill of Jupiter (under the forefinger), signifies a sublime nature in both ideas and attachments. Such a person can not create an alliance with the one who stands below him.
  5. The line of the heart rising upwards and ending between the index and middle fingers means a strong and deep nature, constant in its attachments. Such people can beware of demonstrative manifestation of feelings, which does not mean their lesser depth.
  6. If the line of the heart ends on the hill of Saturn (under the middle finger), then the man is rather restrained in his attachments. The main role in any relationship with others is played by his "ego".
  7. A short line of the heart can testify to detachment, coldness and stubbornness.
  8. A wide, deep line speaks of deep feelings. If, on the other hand, the heart line is brighter than the rest on the arm, it means that for a person the only meaning is love and emotional experience.
  9. A thin line of the heart without branches hangs on a small number of attachments, perhaps a loss of interest in life.
  10. A low line of the heart, connected by a dash with a line of the head, testifies to a person's inclination to mix heart matters with practical ones, as a result of which there is complete confusion.

Signs on the line of the heart

Divination by hand involves evaluating not only the position of the line of the heart, but also the signs on it.

  1. With a multitude of lines going down from the heart line, one can conclude that the nature is inconsistent and the propensity to waste one's energy in small things, especially in the love sphere. If the branches go up and down, then this indicates a tendency to flirt, gay and impermanence. Such a person is easily confused.
  2. A wide line of the heart, terminating under the middle finger formed by a series of islets, indicates a lack of interest in the opposite sex. And if the hill of Venus is also well developed, then such a line can indicate homosexuality.
  3. Islets should not be confused with a chain-shaped form, as the line of the heart with a chain tells of the sentimentality and rapid excitability of a person. Such people are never completely satisfied in their desires, and therefore in feelings they are impermanent - they quickly catch fire and also cool down quickly.
  4. If the line of the heart ends with a clear fork on the Mount of Jupiter (under the forefinger), then it speaks of success in love, as well as of a beautiful character. Such a person can use any, even the most unfavorable, circumstance with benefit for himself. If the fork is located at one end on the hill of Jupiter, and the second - between the index and middle fingers, this indicates a balanced character and strong attachments. When the plug is very wide, located at one end on the hill of Jupiter, and the second - on the hill of Saturn (under the middle finger), this means a very contradictory nature. Such a person is very difficult to understand - he is generous and selfish, a practitioner and an idealist, is open and secretive, everything depends only on his mood.
  5. A triangle on the line of the heart speaks about problems with eyesight.
  6. A star on the line talks about a heart attack.
  7. The cross speaks of scientific success.
  8. The square on the line protects from the influence of bad signs. A triangle or star, squared, loses its bad meaning.

All of the above are only the most common characteristics, for a more complete and accurate forecast it is necessary to take into account the mutual arrangement of other lines on the palm, the development of the hills and signs on them, the shape of the hands and many other points.