How to draw a car?

Many children like to draw, because it allows you to express your thoughts, fantasies. Also, such an activity promotes creative development. Sometimes kids want to draw a favorite cartoon character, a toy, an animal. But it can be difficult for them to understand how to do this. Mom can help the child to create his own masterpiece, prompting all actions step by step on the way to the set goal.

Most pre-school boys love toy cars, watch cartoons about them, collect stickers. Sometimes girls have the same preferences. Therefore, you can consider how to draw a machine in stages to the child. Of course, very small drawings will be easier, but older guys can offer more complex ideas.

How to draw a car for a child 3-4 years?

To very small children it will be interesting to represent even the most simple cars.

Option 1

The car is very familiar to kids, so it's a great idea to paint it.

  1. We need to offer a piece of paper and a simple pencil. He can independently draw a rectangle, and draw a trapezoid from above.
  2. Next, inside the trapezium, you should draw the windows. At the bottom of the rectangle you need to draw two wheels. In front and behind you can draw the headlights and visible parts of the bumpers in the form of small squares.
  3. Now you can draw a door. To do this, let the kid on a rectangle apply a pair of vertical lines. In the front part of the window you can draw a small strip at an angle, which will look like a piece of the steering wheel. Let my mother ask the crumb to pick arcs over the wheels, so that the picture becomes more expressive.
  4. At the final stage, you should erase everything that is superfluous with the eraser. Let the little one try to do it himself, if that mom helps.

Now the picture is ready and if desired, you can decorate it with pencils or felt-tip pens. The kid will probably be pleased with how easy it is to draw a pencil machine almost independently.

Option 2

Many boys like trucks. This is confirmed by the fact that almost all guys have a toy dump truck or something like that. The kid will be happy to try to draw such a machine.

  1. First the child should draw two rectangles of different size, in the left lower part of each of which there should be semicircular notches.
  2. Under these notches, small circles should be drawn.
  3. Next, the semicircles should be extended so that circles around the small circles turn out. This will be the wheels of the truck. The smaller rectangle from the top should be painted so that it looks like a cabin and depict a window in it. Next, apply the headlights and parts of the bumpers to the corresponding places of the larger and smaller rectangles.
  4. The child can decorate the resulting truck at its own discretion.

That's how the kid can learn how to easily draw a truck. In the future, he can do it himself, without the help of his mother.

How to draw a car with a child older than 5-7 years old

If the kid has already mastered some techniques and is pleased to be ready to get acquainted with more complex ways, then you can offer him other ideas.

You can consider how to draw a pick-up machine

  1. Have the child draw a long rectangle. From the bottom you need to add one circle in front and behind, so that it looks like a wheel. Above, closer to the left edge of the rectangle, you should depict the cabin.
  2. Next, you need to write two more inside each circle, and you should also outline the shape of the wings, bumpers.
  3. Now it's time to tackle the shape of the windows. First you need to draw a rectangle inside the cabin, one side of which will be inclined. Then follow the straight line to draw a windshield. At this stage, you need to add a door handle, a mirror. Inside each wheel, you need to apply 5 small semicircles.
  4. Next, let the child sketch the lines of doors, moldings, as he sees fit. You can add details such as a gas tank, headlights.
  5. In the end, you can draw a steering wheel that will be visible in the window, and darken the fenders and molding.

Such a picture can be presented to the father or grandfather, and you can show your friends and tell them how to draw a beautiful car.