Abandoned amusement park Nara Dreamland

50 years ago, life in the amusement park Nara Dreamland in Japan was the key. However, over time, the number of visitors was getting smaller, and in 2006 the management made a difficult decision to close this entertainment complex. Let's find out why this happened and what the future of this place is.

Why was the amusement park in Japan abandoned?

Originally, Nara Dreamland Park was conceived as a clone of the American Disney amusement park in California. However, during the implementation of the idea, Walt Disney refused to continue to participate in the project, and therefore the Disney heroes only partially began to represent the amusement park. To fill the gap, other characters were invented and taken from the national epic, but far from being as popular as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Architects to the smallest detail calculated the technical part, but no one thought about the right atmosphere of the amusement park. The confusion of unknown characters with the famous, the failure to observe the chronology of events became one of the main reasons why the Nara Dreamland amusement park in Japan eventually ceased to please the guests and turned into an abandoned corner of the country.

Visitors believed that the scenery looks cheap compared to the American prototype. But the biggest blow to the amusement park came when, in Japan, there were two more such entertainment centers - Disneyland and Disney Sea .

The amusement park required a lot of money to maintain the appropriate conditions for the reception of guests, but the incomes fell year by year, and the owner closed the unprofitable object. He was not sold under the hammer - he was surrounded by barbed wire and simply forgot about him. But, despite the fact that the park officially ceased its work, fans of thrill seek to get here every year. What for? Let's find out!

What attracts people to the abandoned parks in Japan?

Nara Dreamland is something similar to Chernobyl - it seems, yesterday there was a children's laughter, loud music played, and today there is desolation and oppressive silence. After the closure of the park, a guard was set up in it, which was supposed to protect this place from vandalism. For many years it really was so, but recently, apparently, from a lack of funding, the guards relaxed and are no longer so zealously fulfilling their duties. Therefore, in the morning hours or at night, having mustered courage, visitors are attracted here, having jumped over a high fence.

Some engage in petty theft, but most of the uninvited guests just look for thrills. The scenery of the deserted park really looks creepy, especially in the night. In general, it is the youth who prefers to tickle the nerves in this way. This ghost park is in the list of favorite extremes in Japan.