Thin dough for pizza without yeast

Working with yeast is a long and not always grateful business, so if you have just discovered the endless world of cooking, there is nothing better than starting to work with basic recipes, such as those described below. We agree with the classical technology of pizza, these techniques have little in common, but for home use quite fit.

Thin and soft dough for pizza without yeast



Since the test without yeast does not need time for rest and recovery, we immediately set the temperature of the oven at 220 degrees, and while we are warming up, we start to knead the dough.

We sift the flour through a sieve and mix it thoroughly with a baking powder. Until we add liquid, the dough can optionally be sprinkled with a pinch of sea salt or a mixture of dried Italian herbs. We pour milk, beaten with egg, to dry ingredients and put a soft oil (room temperature). Mesem dough until then, until it stops sticking to the dishes, after which we spread it on the work surface, kneaded for another couple of minutes and move it to a sheet of parchment. Roll out the dough and place it in the oven. A thin dough for pizza without yeast should be baked for 10 minutes.

Thin dough for pizza without yeast and eggs



First of all prepare all used pizza toppings and heat the oven to 220 degrees. Once everything is ready, you can take up the preparation of the test.

Mix the flour and baking powder. At the center of the mixture of dry ingredients, we make a funnel into which liquid ingredients will go - barely heated milk and butter. Knead the dough with a food processor (hook) or manually. Roll the dough into a layer, add the sauce and fillings , and then place the pizza in the oven for 10 minutes.

Thin dough for pizza on kefir - recipe without yeast



Before making a dough for a thin pizza without yeast, sift the flour and mix it thoroughly with soda: the more uniformly the soda is distributed, the more uniform the dough will rise. Now pour in kefir or buttermilk at room temperature and knead the dough literally for about 7 minutes. Do not worry that we did not extinguish soda, since there is enough lactic acid in kefir in order to cope with this task.

Roll out the dough as thinly and evenly as possible, cover with selected toppings and place in a preheated 230 degree oven for 10 minutes.

Thin dough for pizza without yeast and milk

In case you have refused to consume animal products, soy milk or plain water may be used as the basic liquid component of the pizza test, as in the following recipe.



After sifting the flour well, mix it with another dry ingredient from the list - baking powder. Next you can pour and a pinch of salt, but its addition is not important, if you gave preference to the already salty stuffing. To the flour, pour in the water and butter, mix the dough until all the ingredients are combined into a single coma, and then roll them out on a sheet of parchment into a circle of the desired thickness. Together with the toppings, a thin pizza test without yeast should be baked at 230 degrees for 10 minutes or until the edges become brittle.