Head line

The line of the head on the hand in palmistry is considered one of the three main lines and is "responsible" for mental abilities, for its talents and moral qualities. So an excessively straight, deep line, as if drawn in a ruler, means a selfish, cruel and vindictive person, and the line of the head that smoothly descends to the hillside speaks of a person with creative abilities. The main points that need to be addressed when decoding this line, we'll talk.

The source of the head line on the arm

Normal is the beginning of the line of the head on the hill of Mars beyond the line of life (1), at the beginning of the line of life, connecting with it (2) and freely separated from the line of life (3). All other positions of the head line in palmistry are considered abnormal and indicate a deviation in the mental sphere. Let's consider each of the three positions in more detail.

  1. In this case, the person is prone to quarrels and conflicts, which is more intensified if the line goes directly to the upper hill of Mars (near the edge of the palm). With a line of the mind turning upwards, towards the line of the heart, a person is distinguished by irritability and a tendency (to varying degrees) to commit suicide. With the descending line of the mind, the propensity to conflict decreases.
  2. This position of the source of the head line indicates a very cautious and sensitive person who is very insecure.
  3. This situation testifies to the independence of the mind, it is a sign of a self-confident thinker, an alien convention.

End of the head line

  1. A long straight line of the head speaks about the practicality and balance of a person, his good organizational skills.
  2. A slightly bent upward line of the head (branching upward) speaks of the power of thinking, but with a touch of mercantilism or money-grubbing.
  3. Slightly falling down the line indicates a combination of practical and artistic types of personality.
  4. If the line of the head splits, then it speaks of a hypocritical person - he can be charming and courteous, but in reality be tough and selfish in terms of his interests.

Signs on the head line

The most important signs on the head line are islets, meaning a complete or partial breakdown of mental forces. The nature of the breakdown is determined by the position of the island on the line. So, the islet under the hill of Jupiter says about the overabundance of ambitions, under the hill of Saturn - about the development of negative qualities, under the hill of the Sun - about excessive efforts aimed at achieving the goal, under the Mercury Hill - about tensions due to anxiety about financial condition. It is impossible to confuse islets with a chain-like line, since it indicates a too high sensitivity, which, with great mental stress, can cause mental illness.

A break in the head line is not always, but most often indicates injuries and accidents involving the head or brain. Great importance is the location of the gap, if the line of destiny comes across one of the breaks, then this indicates a trauma. And if the lines of destiny and head seem to collide in the place of the break, then it means death from an accident. You can confirm such a forecast by looking at the line of life.