How to learn to guess on the hand?

A person has always been interested in what awaits him in the future. To do this, he resorted to various ways of guessing. One of the oldest methods of reading the fate is palmistry. People who professionally do this, do not like the word "guess" - they claim to read the fate of the hand.

Before you learn how to guess on your hand, you need to learn a few simple rules. Reading of destiny is always made on the leading hand. It records information about the current life. It is believed that the second hand reflects the previous life.

How to learn palmistry?

Learning palmistry is not an easy task. For this, one must have certain knowledge and a predisposition to read on the hand. Do not try to understand everything at once. We must start with the three major major lines.

  1. Heart line . She suggests how a man manifests himself in a love relationship. Will he try to love, without demanding anything in return, or will he be a loving egoist. On the palm of the line is under four fingers.
  2. Head line . Speaks of the intellectual abilities of a person and a predisposition to certain sciences. The head line is below the line of the heart. If the line is extended longer for the index finger, then the person has a propensity for humanitarian disciplines, if closer to the little finger - to the technical.
  3. Life Line . This is the third line, which must be able to find, in order to understand how to correctly guess on the hand. It has nothing to do with longevity, but speaks about whether a person has a direction in life and whether he has difficulties in certain areas. The line is located in a semicircle below the two previous lines and, as it were, perpendicular to them. A clear long line indicates that the person has clear goals and direction of movement.

These are the first principles of palmistry on the hand, the knowledge of which will help you learn to read destiny. However, palmists say that lines can vary depending on how a person lives. Therefore, everything is in your hands.