Chronic tonsillitis and pregnancy

Any future mother understands that the state of her health depends on the growth and development of the baby. Unfortunately, pregnant women sometimes have to face illnesses. In addition, at this time chronic diseases can become aggravated. Any illness is not desirable for a pregnant woman and requires immediate consultation of a specialist. One of the diseases that can worsen during pregnancy is chronic tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the tonsils. About the disease shows a sore throat.

The main symptoms of the disease

The signs of the disease include the following factors:

Of course, these symptoms may indicate another disease, so it is important not to allow self-medication and if you suspect of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy, you should contact a polyclinic. The doctor accurately diagnoses the disease and selects the necessary treatment.

Consequences of chronic tonsillitis in pregnancy

For expectant mothers, it is important to exclude sources of infection in the body, because they can harm the baby and affect its intrauterine growth. Inflamed tonsils are just such a source. In the early term, the disease can cause a miscarriage, and later can cause gestosis , which is dangerous for its complications.

In addition, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy causes a decrease in immunity in women, which can lead to deterioration of health and other pathologies. If you do not treat the disease, then the baby can have heart disease .

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in pregnancy

In the treatment of future mothers, doctors are limited in the choice of medications, because the drugs and methods of prevention are selected especially carefully: