History of Russian folk costume

The development of the Russian folk costume has a rich and long history, its components were formed in the pre-Christian era, in close relationship with the architecture of Rus and pagan beliefs.

Description of Russian folk costume

The female Russian national costume is much more interesting and richer than the male one, because the woman's image contains the people's ideas about femininity, beauty, family values. In the old days in Russia, the costume was one of the manifestations of folk applied arts and crafts.

The basic elements of the Russian folk costume developed in Ancient Rus. The main costume was a long shirt of a straight cut "shroud", which was sewn from homespun dense, with wide sleeves. Usually, a woman wore more than one such shirt (at least one more acted as underwear).

The clothes of the Russian peasant woman consisted of such a shirt, decorated with embroidery, which in the Russian folk costume was usually placed on the sleeves, hem and on the shoulders. On top they wore a monophonic sarafan, and also an apron. Peasant costume was prepared with great diligence, usually in connection with labor holidays - harvest, haymaking, pasture of livestock.

Details of the Russian folk costume

Sarafan is one of the main parts of the Russian folk costume. A smart version of it was worn with a shirt, an apron, a belted girdle. Each district had its own style of sarafan, and the patterns on it, like other versions of Russian folk costumes, have their own peculiarities. In the southern part of Russia, preference was given to the red color, which had many different shades. Embroidery on sarafans was made with gold threads and pearls.

The most common headdress of the female Russian folk costume was a kokoshnik - a tight cap of various shapes, and usually magnificently decorated with embroidery and stones.

The girls wore hoops (soft or hard) from multi-colored ribbons. If unmarried girls could wear one braid or curly hair, then the married ladies braided 2 braids without fail and always wore a hat.

The beauty and primordiality, originality and chastity of the national Russian costume is reflected in the modern world, so the elements of costumes in the Russian folk style have recently become very relevant in the world fashion industry and are increasingly appearing on the fashion podiums.